Devs, you just introduced another major update in Smash, but for years now you lack to make any essential changes in KAW (yes another event, more lands, more building levels, more of the same thus....). Did you really abandon this game? Can you be honest to us? Or is there any hope left for this game which I played over 6 (!) years now.
Do you know how much trouble it is to overhaul something in a game this established? Me either... but I assume it's a lot! Kingdoms At War has evolved over years to be where it is now. To make a fundamental change to the core of the game would be very difficult in a game that has old code at its very heart (hit ranges anyone?). I am a firm believer in Corinthians conspiracy theory that the new iOS app is a secret giant update. But I'm not holding my breath. Why? Because I play this game because I like this game. Cause too drastic a change and it may be more harmful than beneficial.
For Corinthians or anyone really motivated you can reverse engineer the old and new apps to view the source code. I write powershell scripts (object oriented language similar to java/.Net) for work. One of my major works has been growing in complexity and functionality over the last 3 years. A project I have set aside for myself is a full re-write/clean up. To put that into perspective my script is maybe 1,000 lines of code and variables to clean up. Between rewriting/debug/testing/QA and testing for future flexibility that will be a 3-4 week or more process. A game like KaW probably has 10-20X that amount of code. Not only are you dealing with the code itself but also different programmers ensuring they do not overlap variables or I don't break something in my code block that you wrote in your code block. In short, can/could it be done? Yes, if they think there is a realistic ROI. Look, none of the current players want to hear the devs say "this game has moved into legacy support", but it happens. Will we get some quality of life updates, maybe. Recycled events? Probably, new features, I doubt it. The game is 7yrs old on a platform that is constantly evolving. How many other games stick around for 7+years with ACTIVE developed teams, excluding the subscription based MMO market.
Xenio, thanks for stating things better than I ever could. Moody, your statement at the bottom is something I can wholeheartedly agree with. Mainly the reason why I personally would like change, aside from that it would be nifty, is that I believe well-placed change/updates could help retain the standing community and bolster the population of a gaming community I so appreciate. For myself and my level of activity, things are fine as they are. "For the good of everyone else." - Is that not how the mantra goes? Towards the OP, yes, I saw in the patch notes that SMASH just got a big update. I would not use that as cause for lamentations, however. Once that stabilizes, that's potentially freed up resources to adjust to this game. You never know, unless you have inside contacts at the company.
kaw has changed big time in the past 6 years... i remember when the barren orchard was the toughest eb... when the strongest player in the game was 80mil cs... when 20m cs was big..
Look at a game like tf2, a very old and very successful game. As son as there was a major update, it flopped. Meet Your Match sucked. People want change until they get it, then they realize the old way was better.
@Noodle, yes, EBs were not out 6 years ago. It's ok. Also, yes, it was No Quarter that was the top EB when they came out. Just because the time lapse was off doesn't mean it's polite to laugh about it. The important thing is that the times have changed.
The Barren Orchard was never the strongest EB tho it almost immediately had EBs higher in the same tier. Also TBO was never in the same timeframe as 80mcs players. Nevertheless, there honestly aren't many HUGE problems with KAW right now. Every single player has an immediate list of a few things they'd like changed but many of them are different for every player. I think that speaks to how minor they really are. If there isn't one consensus major problem such as Pwars or lack of clans there really doesn't need to be a major overhaul to how the game runs.
ebs, wars, events etc etc. The point is all of these have been present in KAW for years. Where is the real change? Yes this could scare some people away but what do you all think is happening the last years already? Im bc again for the god knows how many times, before last new building levels I had 2800 (!) tril in allies. So now what? Get to 5000 tril, 10.000 tril? Whats the point? 90% of the accounts in KAW will never get to bc. Tbh having to bank a zillion in gold every day is really tiring and boring. This game needs a full change like in Smash a few months ago. Turn it upside down. Let all of us have fun again or atleast go out with a blast.
Sorry, my self loathing generally results in me laughing at most things in a meager attempt to amuse myself
Lol complaining of no major updates in this game. Future Combat went years without a single update, no new lands, no new buildings, no bug improvements, no asw, no nothing.