If the new bronze bar will help spoilers to bank their gold,GUESS WHO won't have fun? LB players Till now the spoilers couldn't hide their gold easily....strip strip stripbut now? Oh if that happens,I don't think that the wallets of LB will continue contributing to ATAone dissatisfied customer will bring more... Cause the spoilers will go after them...big gold and now easy to hide
Very true.... They shouldn't sell it in market. But allow the players to transfer them in for gold only after winning them in wars.
It's only 2.5 times faster than banking in biggest attack pot - can't really see this making a big diff
@stenkan Banking gold by buying pots you know it was the fastest way indeed. But remember that if a spoiler is a clan farm(and of course,always a LB is in huge active clan)they make him a target,so when his pots are gone... No money ...no honey for him after...lol But from now on?