Guess the Word!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. As the title suggests, this is a game where you have to guess the word. The first person to guess all three words wins a pat on the back!

    Note there are three different words...
    1) Binary Code


    2) Synonym

    This word is a synonym for Lack, to use it in a sentence you could say "he was * of life, his head was across the room"

    3) Translation


    Have fun!
  2. Eddie

    Traded to Carolina
  3. Fallout new vegas robot companion
  4. I'm just gonna go with "bird"
  5. Jk. Hider, devoid, and congratulate (he/her).
  6. Can anyone tell me how this game works?
  7. I'm thinking the word nonce
  8. Hey everyone. Let's post count farm!
