Guess the dominant/pure dog breed game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Psyacidal_Cow, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. I work with dogs and I admire all different breeds.

    Soo I got this idea from ashes(hopefully he doesn't get mad @ me name dropping).

    It's quite simple I will post a dog picture and you all guess the dominant breed if mixed or breed if purebred

    here's our first pic

  2. Boston terrier
  3. Not a batdog XD
  4. Correct sir you win this one. Get ready for next one

    Good guesses batdog and Bermuda. Very close
  5. This is the next breed
  6. sethosaurus_
  7. German short haired pointer
  8. Close enough. German short hair one posted soon
  9. this is a mixed breed I'll accept either of the dominant breeds
  11. Puggle! That's my final answer!
  12. Yes indeed it is a puggle i would have also accepted pug or beagle, next pic coming soon
  13. This will be the last one as interest doesn't seem high guess this breed
  14. Dc takes the win...

    Will let this die out unless get requests to restart.

    Thanks everyone who participated
  15. What about this one...

  16. Isn't that a purebreed Jersey yapper?