Grudge Match: A 1v1 Proposal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iIilllIII_______, May 2, 2013.

  1. With the popularity of 1v1 battling growing, I thought of this idea. Keep in mind I havent thought of all the specifics but I think I worked out a solid foundation to a 1v1 system that can't be exploited to gain anything of sway in future endeavors in KaW.

    Here it is, as simple as I can make.

    Grudge Match

    If a "Challenge" button was added to the profile page that an opponent can see, that would enable the challenge to someone and send the person a notification of a challenge. Once a challenge has been accepted the button changes to a "Surrender" button.

    By accepting the challenge you enter into a 1hr prep time period enabling full regen, and time to bank gold or pot up. After the 1 hour warm up the two players become locked into a system that:
    - Doesnt allow outside hits(which frequently happens in a 1v1).
    - The two players are unable to quest or hit EBs.
    - No crystal limit other than already established daily limit
    - No time limit, it ends when one player surrenders
    - Game mechanics are not changed and essentially anything goes

    How do I win? Do I get any rewards?
    - A player wins by making the other person surrender to you
    - There is no rewards other than a viewable stat that I'd love to see a Leaderboard created to track these stats.

    Viewable Stat Proposal
    Just as we can see another person's win/loss ratio for battles one would be able to the their "Grudge Match" stats. For Example:
    -Challenges/Surrenders: 1000/452

    That about covers what I have thought of, let me know what you think. If i get enough support on this thread I will send the devs an email of this proposal and any ideas the KaWmunity that are contributed.
    Dont bother trollimg on this thread, if you do I'll ask you to leave, and you may get strip farmed. Keep it classy

    Contributions thusfar:
    - OSW exploit
    - Inactive tracking
    - Rejecting
    - A way to establish rules for the 1v1, crystals, wagering, time limit
  2. Great idea but people may abuse this system. Get your main to challenge your bank.
  3. And there should be achievments

    I Troppus
  4. Support!!!
    However, id like some sort of activity tracker. Just in case someone challenges and becomes inactive to avoid surrendering.
  5. I like it.

    I don't like the idea of a LB for this though, because that can easily be ... Cheated on? (The word I'm looking for is on the tip of my thumb)

    People challenging their alts and so forth.

    But I do like everything else
  6. The leaderboard for this would be meaningless because people would just boost their score off their alts. This is generally a good idea but what happens if your opponent goes inactive?
  7. Can be easily abused for people in OSW. 
  8. Sounds good.
    But extremely exploitable

    And perhaps a terms section like, no equipment (y/n), no pots (y/n), no crystals (y/n), before you request a challenge and the receiver of the challenge sees the terms.
  9. Exploited! That's the word
  10. Good call with the activity tracking. Anyone have a suggestion how it can be avoided?
  11. Sounds good and add a rejected challenge stat with the challenges/surrenders
  12. Maybe if you don't hit them a certain amount of time in an hour (say 10-15 times) then you are forced to surrender.
  13. Support sounds like a great idea to me
  14. Even if I'm pinned I can sb him at least 10 times an hour,
  15. And add a wager so u can bet only small limited to say 50-100m but only if goes over a certain time limit to help stop it been exploited and have a grudge match earnings stat
  16. A good idea, but could be exploited to stunt a lb player's growth. For example, if noobs keep challenging redstar then he would be slowed down considerably even if he just surrenders each time someone challenges him.
  17. You could always reject..?
  18. A bit too high Vas, a good timer can keep you from even seeing your spies.

    -Dante- had me Zero'd for at least 45 when I messed with him. I never saw a single spy regen.
  19. You could make it so that the person has to accept the challenge, like the old war system.
