Alright this is for all the nubs out there wondering about the quickest method of growing. All tiers, wether spy or attack buildings follow the same concept. This way of growing is the fastest stats for gold method. T6 Efficiency table Lvl1 = 50b ... ~120k 2.4 Lvl2 = 150b ...➕60k 0.4 Lvl3 = 200b ...➕90k 0.45 Lvl4 = 250b ...➕133k0.532 Lvl5 = 300b ...➕200k0.666 (The end under on the far right is that levels efficiency, aka, the higher the number the more stats for gold you get) T7 increases from level 1: Attack build: 154k / 154k Spy build: 117k / 117k So the most efficient way to build would be to first complete your lowlands, then place down all level 1s in highland, all level 1s in hoarfrost, and all level 1s in abyss. Then you'll want to upgrade all your highlands to ll3, level 4 highland is the last thing you want to upgrade. When doing this method, you might want to leave the expensive HF lands and expensive Abyss lands. Well all abyss lands are expensive so just buy up to say the 600b land. Then you'll want to upgrade all your abyss lvl1s to level 2. Then you want to upgrade all your HF to lvl5. From the table above on T6, you should be upgrading a T6 to max level5 before you move on to the next. Then finally finish your highland and then good luck on buying the next lands you left.
I believe thats wrong actually. having lvl 1 in HL, HF, and Abyss seems useless. I think you HL should be lvl 2-3 before getting 15 HF. I have 14 HF and it is much much more worth it to keep upgrading my volaries to lvl 3. Did you take into account land costs?
Growing tip: get on google and search for high paying job. Get said job, and work harder for a promotion. Deposit your earnings in a bank account. Apply for credit card. Use credit card for nobs and xtals. Join hte clan. OPTIONAL: go on a dating website to get a 3 out of 10 with low self esteem who will contribute to KaW funds and do hourly unloads and xtal blitzes for you while you read a book.
heres a different method...wait for HF to go half will dont worry..until then just open all new lands you can at first maybe go level 1 on them..when HF goes half price get HFBC..kind of low class i know but who cares lol
Pretty much what I recommend when asked for advice. Interestingly, T7 lvl2 has quite a decent stats upgrade from lvl1, compared to T6 lvl2 (bad, very bad) and T5 lvl2. There isn't just the stats growth (or stats per gold) to consider when you but also the additional plunder. And that's where a new land with a new building at lvl1 usually beats any other upgrade. While buying new lands, be smart. Don't just buy 25 HLs (and build T5 lvl1), then go to HF... No, go immediately to HF after unlocking HL 15. The worst upgrade is indeed T5 lvl3 to lvl4. Many people ask me "I have 150b, upgrade T5 lvl3 to 4 or T6 lvl1 to 2?" Yes, that T6 upgrade is bad, very bad... but the T5 upgrade is a dead end. Do that T6 upgrade followed by upgrades up to lvl5 on that same building. T6lvl1 to lvl2 is just a stepping stone to decent upgrades.