
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LiIy11111, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Hello KaW!

    I have come onto the forum today because I want to know, What would be the fastest way to grow.Looking for good advice,Such as which EBs to do,How much to spend in allies,ect.
  2. (Reserved)
  3. Follow the path of the great Spragga and build only Stables for a Stable build..
  4. A Hansel eh, good start. Although you'll have hard times getting through on Haunting or higher without pots...

    Hmm. Try something like the reckoning. Also, spend in allies until you're at Max plunder. Anything past that just isn't worth it yet.
  5. Ambush. And get Map (10b)

    Haunt if you feel you can get in items.
  6. What about ambush?
  7. Be an Eb fairy guild hansel
  8. I war a lot.Thats why im asking this question.
  9. You have ~500 losses you don't want a whole lot
  10. I dont "war".I farm but no one hits back.
  11. it is surprisingly difficult to get people to hit back...usually.
  12. Rofl. Troll, whatever you do don't check my battle stats :lol: needless to say, I don't war... At all. Not since I reset. But I'm planning on starting soon.

    And I would recommend building more troop buildings so you are stronger and then do ambush. You should have enough in allies to last you a while lol
  13. I'm sure plenty of people will war you.
    I have the same problem- fix it by hitting people in actual farming clans.
  14. Cant find any farming clans, anymore.
  15. Oh please. There are lots of farming clans. Most will even have a subclan to help you grow
  16. they are harder to find though. they tend to not spam wc like eb clans. lol
  17. Hit CR or join them, iG if you are a whale, or kotfe or AAH..

    I recommend joining them unless you want a very big challenge though.