Growing pains - A Rough Guide

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by pank, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Growing pains - A Rough Guide

    I having been playing this game for a number of years, and helping numerous new kingdom start up and succeed in the game, I’ve decided to share my knowledge with the rest of KaW. :cool:

    We all know that without new kingdoms entering KaW this game will die out.
    Read Mango’s Thread
    it is very well written and reasoned out

    This is not a definitive building guide;
    it works for me and more than a few others.

    It’s always best to catch the new kingdoms while they have not done any building at all.
    Their price is at 10.000 and that is what I am looking for all the time.
    When found one, I normally post this message on the target kingdoms wall:

    Hi there the best advice I can give you, is build only 5 Forges all to level 3 and 4 Guilds Level 2.
    You can’t build Forges until you have explored a TOTAL of 9 lands so just sit back and wait until your value is 80,000,000 do a few quests and wait OK

    At about 80 million leave this message

    “ Ok you now need to Explore a TOTAL of 9 lands to open new building options inc forges and start to build 5 Forges 1 at a time to level 3 then Guilds to Level 2 “

    And just after this message

    “ HOT HOT TIP this volley will go a lot higher IF you build as the volley continues “

    I normally volley to around 5 billion then

    Then post advice about joining a clan

    “ Insert you clan add here “

    At about 10 billion post

    “ Allies are the key to this game”
    “you make gold in 2 ways allies increase your plunder bonus and as there get hired away you make a small profit”

    “So hire as many allies as you can of the price range 1-2 million. But do not re-hire if they are bought off you, just buy new ones in the same price range “

    How to work out Maximum Allies Plunder (MAP)
    Combined Stats (CS) = ( troops attack + defence stats ) + (Spy attack + defence stats) X 5500 = amount in gold required to maintain MAP

    Because wall posts are very limiting I normally follow the kingdom being volleyed at about this stage

    I advice new kingdoms to join my own clan or any clan that I know helps new kingdoms out
    Help in my clan may take the shape of allowing limited items on haunting ie only kingdoms below # 40 on the clan list may use items or items on TFO or Origins only for new kingdoms
    HTE is 30% to 0 on final phase is for #40 down as the clan grows this will no doubt move further down to # 50 and so on ( no we have not found the cure for ppl that want to go item hunting but we are finding more and more ppl coming back )

    The race to LC is now on which way to go (this is the pain bit for many players, but they are invited to contact lil___noob___lil for advice, he resets every day if not too busy with real life :) )

    DO NOT FORGET ALLIES we all do at times :D

    Explaining to people that any buildings on LL other than forges or guilds are a waste of gold
    Convincing them towers don't do anything for them yet is the pain bit for me

    DO NOT FORGET ALLIES we all do at times ;)

    Go all forges and guilds until you open HL and continue with guilds all level 4 only until your next HL costs 30 billion. This increases your plunder bonus’s more money means faster building.

    DO NOT FORGET ALLIES we all do at times :shock:

    Then return to LL and max out your buildings to tier 4 (now this is where things get iffy because they always ask what is the best build) tbh it depends on what you want to be so you decide SOS spies, Cursed Foundry pure attack, circle of elements balanced and titans lair defensive build
    Do not build towers on LL

    DO NOT FORGET ALLIES we all do at times :evil: :twisted:

    Return to HL and keep getting lands and guilds until you can open HF then build Tier 6 Level 1 on HF.
    Again your choice, Pure attack, Balanced, Defensive, Spy, Spy defence towers or Troop defence towers.

    I would leave towers till later on in HF tbh

    DO NOT FORGET ALLIES we all do at times :cry: :cry:

    Continue getting HF lands and Level 1 buildings until next land and building is more than your next land in HL then return to HL lands and buildings of your choice

    DO NOT FORGET ALLIES we all do at times :p :p :p

    You can blame the red lines on my own mentors , Amaralthor, Micrh and not least Silph who hammered me mercilessly about MaP, crap allies core and how much of a pain I was / am :lol:

    PS if you need advise I'm just a wall away

    PPS thanks SIPPY-OMEGA For your BB-CODES Guide
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  8. Bump thx for the helping hand 
  9. cheers Pank your still an L short lol
  10. Good job Pank. Ps I agree with dal too lol
  11. Ally profit is 1.7% of their total value

  12. Thanks for that would you like to see that in the main body ?
  13. Advice*
    Otherwise good job :)
  14. Awesome! Good guide
  15. Ally profit is 1.58% not 1.7%
  16. Great Pank! As always - a no nonsense forum post.
  17. Has your MAP formula been confirmed?
  18. And allies profit is 5%/3, so 1.666666% (add a few more sixes if you want)