It's simple to be honest, if you are new growing quickly isn't that hard. Go to "world chat" and ask for volley, then use the gold you receive and buy as many 3.75 million gold strong attack buildings. Join a big clan, clans such as Resistance Rising, and SPQR. Attack as much as you can and use the money you get from the epic battle to upgrade your buildings to level 3. Continue to explore lands, once you have bought all 25 lowlands fill 10 lands with guilds and upgrade them to level 4. After you have done this, begin to replace the 3.75 million gold soldier buildings with 130 million gold equal attack and defense buildings and precede to upgrade them to level 3. This should take no more than a month and you will surpass others who started before you. After you finish this plan explore the high lands and build as you wish.
No he didnt. In fact, all he does is leave little love taps in my news feed. You are misinformed and unaware of the truth xtreme. Speculation is unadvised.
Good try at the thread king. You put what worked for you and went with it. Next time try to look and see if there are existent threads about your proposed topic tho Also don't worry about the trolls and idiots that laugh at your attempt. Fact is most have become arrogant in this game and forget what it was like to be newer to the game and try to post something relevant. They think they were kaw know it alls from day one!
Here is a pro tip for you 1. Word walls are hard to read. Break your longer post into shorter paragraphs. Makes it easier to read. 2. Use some color. Bb codes may be hard to work with at first but practice and your next guide can be much better. 3. Listing. Break the topic into separate sections like how to compleat step A. B. C. D. And do on. Good luck and don't be scared off by some negative criticism.
Took me almost 3 months to lc when I started, then as soon as I did, about 2 weeks later stupid highlands came out. Talk about depression
(I grew off BL mainly when I started. I didn't ask for advice for a while and didn't care about these pwars I keep seeing on wc! Lol.) And thx for the extra post to king A1.
Wow I've restarted 2 months ago and look where I am and I posted on world chat and only got 1 mil you take a long tome