Grow Your alt/clan mate

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --a_hero--, May 22, 2013.

  1. When a new player first starts off on kaw make them buy an ally worth 30million the hire it off them and they but a more expensive ally with each bonus they buy more expensive ones. Eventually they will be rich and llbc in a matter of hours.
  2. So just keep buying allies off them and they make more money from the bonus.
  3. You have to have the money first i think you've forgotten that :?
  4. If your a large hlbc it works
  5. I LC'd 2 GH in a few hrs hitting haunt items lol
  6. No start from 1 million and go as far as they can than hire it away from them and do that again and again until u have no more gold.
  7. That's how my alt got llbc in a day
  8. @Farmers

    Weren't you talking **** about others with noob ass ideas? Acting like some hotshot. Such a hypocrite. You're trash in forums, go grow.
  9. I appreciate your comment igcb
  10. Now that's hate
    I like it :lol:
  11. Well that is another way but from personal experience the alt or clany gets more money when they do it from one million and it especially helps if that's how much gold they have.
  12. Farmer trying to act like a hotshot? That was funny IGCB
  13. Congrats OP, you just discovered volley.
  14. Farmer is a wanna be hotshot. I remember him asking for build advice not long ago o_O
  15. I think you need to test your idea, judging by your stats it isn't working very well.. :(
  16. Where are SS on this hlbc alt?
  17. Llbc ^ *correction*
  18. Wait, what is this foreign concept? Why has no one thought of this before? Oh wait, its a volley isn't it?
  19. Volley? What the **** is a volley? This technique is known as 'whack-whacking'.
