Greaves Enchanting Bug on PC

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Fixed. clear your cache and refresh.

  2. It gives 14 mill upgrade
  3. Thanks devs  :D
  4. Oops nvm
  5. Haha click on kaw_admin's name, it says it's classified and it has you click "understood"
  6. Those greaves better not get better than mine
  7. Thank you.
  8. I just noticed the abyssal blade in the background lol. Silly Mage, you can't enchant an abyssal blade 
  9. Where did the pic go? :lol:
  10. oh man, you made me go back and check all the data. Don't do that to me.

  11. WAIT... The pic was gone and then it was back.. 
  12. Not cool Mike, not cool.
  13. Mike, curse if EE miss match will follow you now!
  14. You're going to Hell now, Mike.
  15. Kaw_admin, I realize this is off topic but I'm curious as to whether bronze bar drops will be enabled for the most recent ebs?
  16. Ya and this is off topic too but did you compensate folks for the war time error two weeks ago or whatever?
  17. Do they always have to compensate players for mistakes? Lol
  18. NO they do not, but they said they were going to. Made a thread about it and everything .
  19. Interesting. Well if they said they would, I expect it will happen.
  20. Very useful. A true VK.