great strategy for nobs and xtals

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by givemethathoneypotmmmm, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Use your lunch money,sell your sneakers,sell your bus pass and walk,sell your house,if you did any of these you need a job or sone counseling thanks
  2. ...this could have been a funny thread.
  3. Moose did this the other day... Safe to say it was better than this piece of crap
  4. Moose version is WAY BETTER!
  5. All hail the new and improved moose

  6. I before  trust me this one needs it
  7. I took your advice and now I have nothing except my addiction to KaW
  8. Pfft...

    If you haven't already done these things then you still have hope to escape the KaWcaine

  9. Ha.. Ha.. Ha..
    I think u forgot to take your rittalin..
  10. In b4 teh mighty spam killing talking moose
  11. Every councillor I've ever been to has then in turn had to go see another councillor
  12. Moose's version is better... Plus more effective
  13. [​IMG]

    Op Im facepalming your thread because a funny thread has already been done on this topic. Tired of copycat threads. Do something original!!! make forums better not trash it up! thanks
  14. Rofl that is the best facepalm picture I have seen yet!
  15. lol ty I-B-B- found it in a third party pic app