Great Job on the ASW Devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. You heard me right. Good job devs.

    As with any new system people complain, (especially if they lose), but on the whole it was a good war.

    signups were fine and fair. If some big player was too lazy to set his alarm clock to get up and sign up on time, that's his problem, not the devs.

    Top 10000
    Support for this too. There are lots of good strong warriors with big builds in the 5000-10000 range that deserve to war just as much as anyone else. Let's not be elitist.

    I thought the mod admins did a good job. (at least in my clan. I thanked the kaw gods that Wulf was my war commander and not Bellemore)
    However, you might rethink of making the big boys admins. No disrespect, but I only saw Chongo talk two times in cc during the entire two days, both after the war was finished.

    The after-war crybabies
    Ignore them. Give it a week and all would be forgotten. People will complain no matter what you do.


    Since we are on subject, most of the whining is about who leaked or who is inactive. (guys, if nobody every leaked there would be no plunder at all.) There is no way to cure this, however it could be controlled. I suggest a minor change is the rl affect of the war. Basically the ASF required us to do kaw 24 hours over a 48 hour period with one of the wars basically taking the whole night. How about lowering the war time from 8 hours to 6? This would free up 6 hours in peoples weekend schedules allowing them to be more active during the wars. As for the quality of the wars, lets face it, these are turtle wars. Keeping myself pinned for 8 hours is no more exciting than keeping myself pinned for 6. Just my suggestion.


    Thanks a bunch Wulf and Meisha, just when I was beggining to think all mods were of the bellemorte noob level, I find a pair that actually understood the game. (thanks again Kaw gods, for making my ASF bellemorte-free :lol: :lol: :lol: )

    Philosopher out, let the trolling begin.
  2. First and reserved.
  3. dude, you are way to small to have been in Wulf's clan. I was there and I think I remember Chongo speaking a bit. ( at least I think I remember. Lol)
  4. @ I am not going to get into a debate about whether or not I was in the wars or what clan I was in. I was there, I have an opinion. Accept it.
  5. 100% disagree on your opinion that sign ups were fair.

    Actually...they may have been "fair", I'll give you that. But last time i checked this is supposed to be an "All-Star" war. As in, the best of the best. In what other game/sport/etc are rosters of "All-Stars" made by having a first-come-first-served free-for-all that's open to everyone who makes a very generous cut? Clearly there was a good chunk of people (I'd even say the majority) who wouldn't exactly be considered "All-Stars".

    It's done and over with, no point in rehashing the same stuff that's been said in 10000 other threads. Just think it completely missed the point of what an ASW should be.
  6. Also it is Bellemorte nor bellemore dude.
  7. @ Frog.

    It's a typo. Live with it. Better yet, get off the thread. You are not adding to the discussion.
  8. @ sir Issac

    Don't get too hung up on the naming. If it means that much to you just ask them to remove the words "all-star" from the title and all will be fine. 3rd anniversary wars sounds fine to me.

    It is also a subject mistake to call all people 5000-10,000 noobs and 1-5000 true all stars. Trust me, there are some really high-ranking noobs out there, and some great warriors in the lower ranks. How do you propose we weed out the noobs/non noobs for the war next year.
  9. Yes he is. Also I don't believe that you were in the wars either. At least not with that account, and before you say it's your alt. I won't believe you until I see your "main" post.

    And from what I hear the wars were not organized well. I wasn't a part of them but I heard enough to know that they weren't as great as people expect them to be.
  10. Woah. Someone is cranky today. Want me off the thread?. Fine see ya 
  11. Philosopher I think that they should try and weed out the noobs but I highly doubt they will be able to lol
  12. @ Phil, there's no good way to do it. That's the problem. I think if KaW had a way to show someone's wins/losses from PvP actions only it would be a good way to decide who makes the cut. But as it stands now, there's no way to quantitatively separate a war vet from an eb queen. Maybe factor in time played? And an invite only system based on referrals would be insanely time consuming and way too subjective.

    Maybe I'm hung up on the name. I would feel a lot less adamant about this if it were called something other than ASW.
  13. @oliverK

    Okay, Frog can stay. Thank Oliver for that.

    Yes, Oliver. I was not in the wars with this account. Shocking as it may sound, I do have alts, (but I consider this to be my main :lol: )

    Like I said to your friend Kermit there. I am not arguing where I was with what account. I am just expressing an opinion about my experience of the war. Were the wars perfect? No they weren't. Were they run fairly well? Better than I expected in my own opinion. Heaven help kaw if we ever lose Wulf, although I still wish he would stop ruining EBs with his cheat the moment they come out. :lol:
  14. @Isaac

    A lot of people have been suggesting what basically adds up to a change in the mechanics of the game. (show PvP win/loss, plunder loss, etc) However I wonder if from a programming standpoint if this is really was easy as it sounds. I'm not sure. I'm not a programmer. Perhaps it is an easy fix. However, I wonder if the devs will invest the time and energy into a change that would really help their financial line.
    Also, I'm not sure if a PvP win/loss count would accurately reveal true warriors. I could look like a war god by farming some inactive account.
  15. I had a good time in asw and ata did do a fantastic job id say. It was a little unorganized true but they put mad effort into trying to correct the mistakes as they went.
    The butthurt of kaws yesterday will fade.
  16. @OliverK

    Exactly! You can't weed out the noobs or EB Queens. So why even try it? Why even worry about it for that matter? Just war the best you can, hope your clan comes together and meshes well, and for the love of Mary, don't put Bellemorte in charge of anything. :lol:
  17. @100% agree with Fractuals.

    It was great. The buthurts will fade. THe devs knee-jerk reactions just make it worse.
  18. I'm allowed back on?  Wow I feel special now. Thanks Oliver
  19. The ASW isn't about "keeping noobs out"

    The ASW is about having noobs fight along side professionals

    The summer wars and the ASW were both exciting, but for different reasons

    The summer wars were a display of skill from the people on the roster; and a dispay of brilliance for the players who assembled the roster. If angel made just one bad roster choice, last rights would have lost. So, the excitement in the summer wars came from batting nearly flawless opponents (zaft was amazing) and getting a nice reward at the end.

    The ASW is more fun because all the armies got to go noob hunting. It was a leak fest, and that's really entertaining, at least IMHO it is. The One who can win the ASW is the player who can
    1. Educate the noobs on his/her team the fastest, and
    2. Find the uneducated noobs on the other team

    It kind of reminds me of duck hunting 

    So, both events are very fun in very different ways
  20. @ moose

    It was fun. but you wouldn't know it by some of the buthurts in the forums. Near the end, clans were also getting paranoid and turtling like crazy. In Doom there was a couple of guys in the last few minutes demanding the pure spies to be kicked. They were so worried another barcode would happen.

    Speaking of barcode, what's the big deal? Never had a mole in a clan before? all is fair in love and war and this is a war game.