GoodBye S3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllI-Southern_Cross-Illlll, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Hey all SC here just wanting to rage, i am quitting S3 and im not the only 1 and there are many more close to quitting this season.

    The amount of no matches and mis matches is out of control, my last war was 5 sh v 12 sh and they could hit all the way to the top, how is it fair i can get ko'd by such a tiny build? fair enough 99% were failed hits on me but that still kills my troops.

    Also the war times in no way suit Australians, and in your no match thread i mentioned this and you basically said tough cookies, is that a fair statement to a paying customer? is it fair we have to miss out on most if not all wars, due to us working and sleeping?

    Well thats about it, wish my friends still in S3 all the best and i hope the devs get their act together for your sake.

  2. Those SH that can hit you are actually hard working sh that have massive amounts in i think its fair bro. But i do think the amount of mismatches and no matches is rediculous. And i think they should adjust wR times as well.
  3. No they had next to no bfa and average bfe, they could hit me but were fails, which still can ko me
  4. Support...S3 has gone out of hand...I can go into WC now and ask for next war with 15 minutes before signup and not get a single inc wall post to join their clan...even when I play my SH card lmfao
  5. Please merge this thread with all other whining threads about s3
  6. While I agree there are mismatches and no matches that have quite gone out of hands, but instead of "letting" yourself get hit by SH, have you tried assasinating them? Im sure some if not all your mids and tops can assasinate them, if they can touch you means you can touch them.

    Do you also know how easy it is to assasinate them even if you're a fighter? With a decent BFA and BFE they'll be out in a couple of assa...

    If you will complain and say "but they keep SB-ing our spies!", then learn to assa them out faster when you regen. Assign you mids you handle them with their spies.

    Yes true its not an easy task, but if your complain is based on "its not fair sh can ko me/us even with failed actions" then you just dont know how to handle them better...

    If your complain is solely based on the amount of mismatches and no matches then I rest my case and we can all forget about my sh explanation..
  7. @Blitz there needs to be a balance when matchin takin into account how many SH, yes we do ass the sh which is easy even for my stats, but we also need to kill the spies of their bigs as well so they dont come along and kill our sh.
  8. Support from an Aussie!
  9. I'd quit it too SC.....if only they had given me decent war times so I could have actually started S3
  10. I already retired EE wars 
    Just need to give chances to the noobs who need better and powerful equiptments.
  11. Yes I quit s3 and have attempted to war a couple times but don't get into a clan. Since I dropped my SDT no one wants me lol but not my reason for replying. First off wasting time assassinating Gh while LB destroy me. Doesn't sound like a well thought out plan. I don't care for them really because I rarely get hit by one. Most if the one the Gh I match are inexperienced with bad BFA and BFE but I would hate to match a clan and be koed by a GH. The inexperienced ones are generally dtw for me and I DtS for them but I know there will be a time I match an Allie stacked GH. Well anyway don't know what I tarted to reply about anymore haha 
  12. I'm only going to war to renew my EE :p
  13. Why don't you ever see the top clans cry about ee wars?
    How hard is it to follow their model?
    I guest just quit a virtual leisure activity because the developers made unfair for
    You and not them it's their fault you can't adapt and over come but the half can
  14. Cool story bro tell it again o_O why should we care if youre quitting s3 you arrogant noob
  15. @chubby no matches for 3 wars in a row, do you know how much time wasted that is? and what if you dont have the LB to make that roster? or you dont know enough people who were Att builds but dropped to sh for ee? what do you do then? recruit the new tiny no bfe bfa sh in wc? and if you do get a decent one they are not loyal to you unless you have 100% win rate. but yeah chubby we all wish we could all have the perfect roster and the pull power of these high ranking clans but we cant️
  16. @clumsy arrogant noob? and how did you come to that? just pointing out what i see wrong with the system and if you bother to read most threads out there about S3 you would see alot of people agree with me.

    or you calling me arrogant because i want a war that suits a working australian? im not asking for every war, i was happy with the war down under time slot, sorry if me want 1 war time to suit a whole country offends you️
  17. Im calling u arrogant cuz youre blurting out on forums that youre quitting s3, nobody gives a **** >:)
  18. Support from NZ about war times. Dev's response was pretty insensitive and degrading towards other users. They can't discard other users simply becos we are not their primary customers.