Goodbye eh

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0nesy, May 7, 2015.

  1. Well the time has's a goodbye from me to all of you. I've had a blast between beating up on quite a few of you. The random rp fun and even being perm silenced once. I don't need to list off my friends. They know who they are, and I will miss all of them, although most do know how to contact me . So have fun eh
  2. No1currrrssss
  3. You're #1 friend will miss you
  4. Your not-so-number-1-friend will miss you... Knid of, I guess...
  5. You're a pathetic excuse for a player ️ you should quit to see what it's actually like when nobody cares.

    Onesy, we've fought, and we've been good friends. Take care my friend, I bid you adieu.
  7. Not the one :( Best of luck man.
  8. K, see ya in a few days..... The kaw won't let you quit.
  9. Is this the 3rd time you tried to do this ?
  10. If that's true you should reset all your accounts. I tried to retire and that was my mistake. Only reset a handful
  11. Until u reset u cant quit. Trust me. C u tomorrow
  12. Along with the other people who said the same thing, I thought you had retired before
  13. Keep up the great wood work Onesy See you on a job sight soon.
  14. Another one gone. More to go, less to come
  15. I'll miss you..
  16. I won't let you quit onesy
  17. I didn't know you but good luck in life! :)
  18. Reset ....or nobody cares n total bs
  19. Seeya in a week or 2