Good ideas Bad ideas

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MM--Monkey--of--Mayhem--MM, Oct 5, 2022.

  1. So the good idea behind making the free daily chests was to limit the chest farmers ability to get more furniture yet hampared the average player! Bad idea, as we have seen the forums post regarding this change, now if the Devs want to do something about this there are many ways, firstly increase the amount of furniture from chests this will bring down the value of furniture or actually make the chest farmers work harder for the chests ! Most chest farmers will hit 2 EBS a few times to gain chests! The daily award should be based on actions within any eb! 100 daily actions gets you a chest, 200 daily actions gets the second! If we are going to have chest farmers at least make them useful to the clan they are in!
    Baron_Nemesis and BiFi like this.
  2. These new legends are trash…

    I’d like to propose the Devs run every consideration through the community first, before implementing any changes. They are literally killing the game with one bad decision after another.
  3. You don’t seem to understand that this is a runaway train and nothing is going to fix it. This is what happens when profits are prioritized over game enjoyment/mechanics. Also the DAU’s look good on paper