Good Guys And Bad Guys

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Le-Monkey, Sep 1, 2015.

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  1. Using the terrorism example as it is the most relevant today. In my opinion at least.

    This 'ideology' of Good versus Evil is nonsense.
    Some people cant seem to understand that there is no simple dividing line between all of humanity. For example:
    Terrorists=Bad Guys
    Military=Good Guys
    Just no.

    How do you know everyone on each side?
    There are 'immoral' people on both sides. There are also 'Good' people on both sides.

    Would you as a citizen like to see your country invaded by foreign armies in search of 'completely legitimate' WOMD's and oil?

    Would you as a citizen like to see paramilitaries commiting murder for a faith?

    I would hope that most people would say no to both of them. They are both horrible situations. They are situations no one should have to live through. They are situations that PEOPLE do go through daily.
    How would you deal with that?
    Put yourself in a soldiers position, Paid to defend the country they are loyal to and defend its interests. How would YOU feel when you answer the call to war to defend your land from so called insurgents?

    Now put yourself in the position of a young Muslim (For the sake of consistency) watching their homeland be ravaged by a foreign invasion. Being brainwashed with radical beliefs from those they admire. They are not paid. They have faith in their cause no matter how disgraceful the actions they commit become. Because the military are the insurgents to them. The opressors, the conquerers. How would feel in this position?

    I am asking YOU as each person will have different opinions based on backround, experience and Faith.

    You must see that each Soldier is an individual. Each Jihadi is an individual. They have thoughts, feelings, morals, needs just as you and I do.

    Criticism is welcome. And contrary to an individuals belief I am not a Jihadi or even Muslim.
  2. There's a simple difference. Jihadi's want all non Muslims dead. Soldiers don't want that.

    Got it?
  3. Wow. Just wow. You my friend have a very narrow mind and I truly pity you.
  4. Another funny thing, you don't seem to want to call them what they are very much.


    Anybody who cuts off a persons head because they are not of the same religion is an EVIL person, a terrorist, and there is no good in there. But please, read between the lines all you like to.
  5. Instead of doing that, try to explain something for once, instead of belittling those who disagree.
    "Thread open to criticism". Immediately tries to shoot down any criticism.
  6. How many Jihadis have you spoken to? How many have you actually talked to? Do you know what makes them fight? Do you know their sacrifice and the ordeals many have gone through? No you do not. You seem to focus on Jihadi=Bad Soldier=Good. Sadly the world doesnt work like that kid.
  7. jihadi: kill because a book told him to.
  8. Soldiers: kill because a government tells them to.
  9. Jeez I have really believed in at least a grain of human decency until this point. If you want to be ignorant and stereotype go ahead. I dont care. To be honest it is you who I pity. Widen your minds please. The world is NOT GOOD VERSUS EVIL!!!
  10. my entire point, thank you.
  11. You have to see that there are partisan lines dividing the crossfire.

    Each side claims that they are the good guys and that their opposing side are the bad guys.

    Ever watch The Walking Dead? See how groups and organizations emerge in the face of threats to themselves as individuals?

    Conflicts arise and the number one concern is: It's eliminate or be eliminated.

    Afterwards, comes the ethical and inner human concerns.

    Family becomes separated, characters find themselves struggling internally and question the future and the meaning behind their existence and their purpose.

    Look at the Phillippines. Almost every politician has an army of gun-toting soldiers and tons of money. Hitman contracts are signed in secret by one another to kill each other. The more power they have, the more control and money they can squeeze into their hands.

    In the real world, it's all about efficiency and money.

    The quieter that companies keep about their practices in other countries, the more efficiently they can generate their revenue without trouble from the public or groups of private citizens opposed to certain practices.

    The United States is home to some of the biggest, most powerful corporations in the world.

    Ever watched Mr. Robot? It's more of a social documentary than anything but who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys?

    The corporations are the bad guys, right?
    But are corporations people? They're just organizations, right?

    This gets very deep and complex.
  12. Thank you for the interesting post I will have to check out Mr. Robot.
  13. Your sacrifice is null and void when you want to cut infidels, Christians, and non-believers heads off.
    Also, it seems when people get mad about people disagreeing with them, they throw the "kid" around like crazy. It's the most childish thing you can do, and makes your credibility even worse.
    I guarantee I know more about how the world works than you do, and I guarantee I understand why the TERRORISTS are fighting. They are fighting because their book, which I have read, tells them to seek out and kill infidels. No if's, ands, or but's.
    And if you see humanity in that, then I can't help you.
  14. What about Muslims born and raised in the UK who then leave their country of birth to go fight against their own country? It's a choice they make and it's happening more and more and not just in the UK alone
  15. You can't simply generalize and simplify the whole world.

    You have to understand every person deep down to their roots and the connections they hold to others.

    You can't just place a label on someone. Then you're just putting yourself into a spot you can't get out of.

    You make a choice and you live with that choice forever.

    Whether it's to be part of a company, an animal rights group, or the military that serves the political and security interests of the country you live in.

    Some people may seem less than human, simply machines or drones.

    Others may seem unnatural and out of perspective with the real world: philosophers, academicians, etc.

    You start thinking about it.
  16. Proceed with calling those who disagree ignorant. Typical.
    Tell them that you are only trying to better them. Check.

    Is this a liberal stereotype troll?
  17. Again, everybody seems to love to deny what they do.

    They're all people inside? Tell that to the innocent Christians that they have collectively, willingly, as a group slaughtered like pigs.
  18. You know that the Qu'Raan is a book of peace and that it is a bible with more content. Allah and God are the same God. And the Qu'Raan does not preach violence. Radical Clerics do. They warp these confused scared peoples minds into angry vengance seeking minds. Each individual reacts differently. So you claim to know how EVERY 'Terrorist' thinks? Hmph.
  19. Don't insult others; focus on yourself.

    What others choose to believe in is none of your business to change or deride.
  20. Hmmm. Ever heard of the Crusades? Ever heard of Palestine?
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