Good deal for attack builds?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BobbyBigBollockZ, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Can anybody come up with a reason for the disproportionate nature of equipment? I have been looking at only the equipment which is available to everyone, so not including the summer war rewards. As far as I can see the bonus from equipment is designed to benefit attack builds more than spy builds.

    Static Bonus Equipment:
    A balanced attack build* can neutralise just over 20% of a spy’s** raw attack stats through this equipment while the reverse comparison would see a spy only able to counter approximately 7% of a balanced attack build’s raw stats. Similarly an attack build can use spy attack equipment equal to 20% of the spy’s raw stat defence compared to only 10% in the reverse scenario.

    Maximum Static Attack: 40,900,000
    Proportion of Balanced Attack Build: 9.98%
    Maximum Static Defence: 28,400,000
    Proportion of Balanced Attack Build: 6.93%

    Maximum Static Spy Attack: 59,500,000
    Proportion of Pure Spy Build: 21.18%
    Maximum Static Spy Defence: 57,000,000
    Proportion of Pure Spy Build: 20.29%

    Percentage Bonus Equipment:
    The percentage bonus items are of most effect when they complement your build, for example there is little point in a Hansel with 100k defence using the shield for the extra 5k. However, for the balanced build above that 5% translates into a handy 20.5m. The same is true of the spy defence armour which offers a lot to spy builds but very little to attack builds.

    Overall these percentage bonus items appear to favour the attack builds:

    Total Attack: 13%
    Total Defence: 10%
    Total Spy Attack: 10%
    Total Spy Defence: 7%

    Not only does the attack build get a greater % from these combined items but they also start from a higher base since attack buildings give larger stats than spy buildings.

    Any constructive thoughts on why they devs might have aranged things this way are gratefully received.

    *Balanced Attack Build stats = 24x CoE lvl3, 25x Colony lvl3, Castle lvl3
    **Pure Spy stats = 24x SoS lvl3, 25x Voltary lvl3, 1x Castle lvl3
  2. Considering the spy build was not originally meant to be a real build (spies were simply meant to support troops) this is not surprising.
  3. ^Exactly.
  4. Spies are still better
  5. I could go with this if it weren't for three things.

    1. Equipment was brought out long after spy builds had become a large part of the game
    2. In the war update thread Kaw_Admin has said several times that they are not trying to disavantage spy builds
    3. The proposed system war update brings several advantages for spy builds over attack/mixed builds