ITS ONLY BEEN 2 HOURS ON KAW BUT Today I am saying goodbye. Kaw has been fun. I met lots of people, hit lots of people. Collected all the equipment. Been in the ca of many clans. Been in fights with countless players. Made as big a nuisance of myself as I could. Had an endless amount of fun. By the time anyone reads this. I will have gone, resetting is the only true measure of any firm decision. I will follow forum for a while as is my love for forum trash as much as the game itself. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you will follow forum you say alison? lolz I will miss all the supportive people and all the haters. I will miss you all. We all as a collective make kaw the rich tapestry that it is. I'm sure more people will be glad to see me Go than sad. People are really only remembered as long they can stay in active topics. Real life beckons and kaw must be laid to rest. I will leave you with some worldly "advice". Something to contemplate My favourite kaw screen shot All my equipz have been used well to FARM DA SHIZ OUT OF MOFOZ To many people to thank by far. So I just say thank you to all of you.