gold stealing

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Galahad263, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. How to protect yourself from gold stealing ?
  2. By having 0 gold

  3. Be under 20% spies and troops. Youll never be hit. Congrats.
  4. By resetting, then you'll have no gold
  5. Ur mom protects from gold stealing.
  6. If you are being stolen from, the best thing to do is immediately pin your troops and spies. A lot of times, all you'll need to do is pin your troops because your spies will already be low from being stolen from. After you are safely pinned, you can bank the gold in pots or bronze bars (the disadvantage to this is that you lost 25% of your gold in the banking process), or you could bank your gold in an ally.

  7. Step 7... Have everyone complain about you staying in pin and hitting from pin while your attacker is in pin trying to hit from pin.. 

    No wonder everyone says PVP is dead...

    Oh you got hit? Pin youself until you or your attacker gets bored.. Sounds like awesome fun..

    Good times
  8. To stop being stolen from build up spy def towers

  9. Lies
  10. So you're saying that if you had 5T out, you would sit there and let people steal from you because it wouldn't be fun to pin? OP is asking how to save his gold (presumably a large amout that he doesn't want to lose.) Regardless of how fun or boring it may be, pinning is what people do when they have large amounts of gold out and are being stolen from.
  11. Don't leak zafts battle plan eclipso
  12. Sit on the person trying to steal your gold all day and night.
  13. 