gold stealing

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Galahad263, Mar 28, 2015.

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  1. How to protect yourself from gold stealing ?
  2. Build spy and attack defense. Also don't grow, so they won't be able to hit you. You can buy spy and attack pots. Or maybe just maybe, don't have gold out.
  3. By having 0 gold, buy pots
  4. /lock double post
  5. Quit KaW.
  6. I swear, if someone locks this because of low effort I'm gonna rant so hard.

    You should try building up your spy, bank, buy pots, or ignore it.
  7. Thanks for taking time to answeri
  8. Thanks for making the best thread in KaW!

    Request a lock please.
  9. Thanks for not being a jerk and being super helpful to the new player...that should keep the player base growing. #Devon4VK
  10. Don't blame me for wanting to keep Forums clean of one-lined threads.

    This should have been put up in WC.

  11. A few tips and tricks.

    Usually small players get attack/stolen quite a lot.

    - my advice would this, build a couple of Towers, maintain your spy buildings along with your troops buildings as well, so They are stronger then those that steal/attack from you.

    Defence potions: you may need to obtain some SDP *spy defence potions* TDP *troops defence potions* to defend attacks/assassinations/Steals, quite easily, the more SDP/TDP/TOWERS, you have the easier you will win against attackers.

    The more you grow into your build, the stronger you are, maintain this when exploring new lands.

    Also, when upgrading, it's best to save a certain amount to do a full building upgrade to gain more plunder increase.

    note: spy defence towers, troop defence towers lowers plunder, if you are more into defence then plunder, build towers, if you are more into plunder then towers, maintain the current build, without towers.

    - if you are worried about gold you can bank
    Them, that's usually what everyone does these days, either in Bb *bronze bars* allies or attack potions, make sure don't use these potions if you are banking on them.

    - maintain your plunder bonus from allies so you gain the maximum gold from attacks with your allies.

    main tip: don't ask people to hire your allies, you need them to gain the maximum plunder from allies, best ti keep on to them, also, when you grow its best to buy more allies to maintain plunder.

    Will be locking this now as a few trolls have been on this thread, I hope this answers your question and some advice.

    Happy Kawing.
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