going hansle

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Deathrapter, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. Hey guys I'm going hansle does anyone have any tips on how to do it faster or stuff like that
  2. Tip: spell Hansel correctly
  3. It's auto corrects fault
  4. Hop on one foot and hold your breath. Afterwards, scream "MAGIC RAINBOWS" naked down the street.

    Note: Not held responsible by any actions taken by the Original Poster
  5. Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard
  6. It works, believe me, or i would have never been able to lc :D
  7. How do you do that
  8. You probably already are, looking at your stats. :roll:
    However, i was scratched by a marsh baby, so i had to do those steps.
  9. I wil help you when you can spell Hansel right
  10. Whats a hansle?
  11. Correct up 30b than convert
  12. Save up 10b and convert half your buildings to lvl4 guilds. Then repeat the step. Keep about 3 or 4 attack buildings to lower pot cost. Then continur into highlands putting guilds, and after the first 5 -10 change your attack buildings into T4's. Change guilds to SoS, or continue placing guilds.
  13. Depends on what he wants. Well see what he does. Note:alway focus one by one t4
  14. I hate these damn threads. Quit being so damn lazy and search. There have been multiple threads about this