Goedric's Guide to Building in KAW

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -XX-, May 23, 2011.

  1. Goedric’s guide to Building KAW Characters

    This guide is meant for those wanting to go straight to T4 attack and/or T2 spy as fast as possible. It’s not good if you want to do real wars in the beginning, unless you are smart enough (and active enough) to handle a hansel in one. I have started MANY characters (my clan knows this) and trust me, this is the fastest possible way. It assumes you have a main account with 4-5b or a clan willing to volley you. You will also be required to be in a plunder war to hit osf’s for most of your beginning build. Here goes:

    Ground Rules:
    1. Never, ever expand unless you are at the plunder cap.
    2. Never, ever ignore rule #1. In order to determine if you are at plunder max, hit something (preferably an open osf) and write down the ally bonus. Buy a cheap ~2mil ally and hit again. If the ally bonus goes up, keep buying allies until it stays the same.
    3. Try not to get too far ahead on allies - as you make more money expanding allies and building at the same time

    The Build:
    1. Get a friend(s) to volley you to 4-5b at least.
    2. Leave your guild alone, destroy your attack building, and build a level three beastiary.
    3. This is the part most people will debate, but is the most important: DO NOT BUILD ANYTHING ELSE. USE WHATEVER GOLD IS LEFT TO BUY AN ALLY, ANY ALLY. I prefer allies with 200/400 or similar stats for this purpose, as they are less likely to be bought off. You need around 50 mil in allies at this point - if you don’t, save and get to total of 50mil.
    4. Expand (refer to Ground Rule #1 first) one land and build a level 3 cathedral. Buy about 50mil more in allies.
    5. Build 5 more level 3 cathedrals, each time checking to see that you are capped before building anything else.
    6. Once you have a level 3 beast and 6 level 3 cathedrals, upgrade your guild to level 3. Again, make sure to stay capped.
    7. Build level 3 guilds until your land is 600 mil
    8. Now upgrade all guilds to level 4
    9. Swap the beastiary to an aviary level 3 (up allies as well), and then change your cathedrals to level 4 guilds.
    10. Now build guild level 4’s on all new lands, (up allies too!) until your next land is 25b on the highlands. I did the math, it’s definitely worth going this far.

    Decision Time: Attack builds
    If you will be an attack type player (mostly troop buildings, fewer spies), then now is the time to start building tier 4. If you will have even one circle of elementals, replace your guild with a tier 2 circle now (save 11.25bil before destroying aviary). If you are losing patience with spying - keep building level 2 tier 4 buildings in whatever order you like. It is important to not build any level 1’s without immediately upgrading - they make worse plunder than guilds. I save building SOS’s until last, unless you feel your spy stats are just too low to work for you (SOS makes low plunder as well).

    Decision Time: Spies
    For spies, it’s a little more straightforward. The only real decision is how patient you are. If you want to up stats fast, you need to start replacing guilds with SOS’s now. Beware, this will drop your plunder with every upgrade. If you are more patient, you could save for more land, and build SOS’s only on new land, then upgrade them to level 3. This approach will actually see slightly better plunder with every new land and SOS. When land is prohibitively expensive (you gotta make the call here), go back and start replacing guilds with SOS’s. Again, this will drop plunder. Ideally, if you are incredibly miserly, you could save up an enormous amount of allies while slowly buying land and building guilds, and eventually save enough allies to sell and convert all at once to HLBC spy. Good luck on that. Many have tried (including myself) and lost patience.

    Obviously with spies, once you have enough stats you should be able to OSF for a clan and make tax to build that way. This is probably the only way an OSF can bc now. So try to get hooked up with a clan and pay your dues early, as not many will give tax out to noobs.

    I welcome comments, suggestions, screams of anguish at my noobish-ness, etc. :lol:
  2. May look similar in that both are using hansel build, but mine is vastly different on a few points (and I think better).
    1) If you don't max allies from day 1, you are constantly losing plunder. I've built all different ways on resets, and putting 50 million into an ally and having 1 beast is much better than having 6 level 3 buildings. Try it.
    2) Going past the 600 mil land with level 3 guilds as suggested in that guide wastes money that could be used to up your plunder faster, by up'ing your guilds to level 4. Some will debate potentially buying the 1.2 bil land... sure do what you want there, but you definitely get diminishing returns and my math seems to support stopping when land is 600mil. I welcome comments on this.
    3) Again on land ... stopping at the 5th highland, you lose out. Even if you were lowland bc, it makes sense to do 12 guilds on the highlands, BEFORE swapping them to T4 or SOS. This has to do with how fast you get increases in plunder based on building cost. Go to the 12th, it's faster.
    4) The guide above makes no mention of the land trick (I read it fast, might have missed it)
  3. Tl;dr but it seemed good enough
  4. I've seen another strategy by a master ally trader friend of mine. He completely skipped t3 and went straight to t4. His idea was why waste gold on building a lvl3 t3 when you'll eventually replace it anyway?
  5. Nice idea... But t2 aren't available till land 9 are they?
  6. Nope. Land 7
  7. Because you make pitiful plunder without some t3's. The guild is the perfect intermediate, cheap, very high plunder (it's barely below a level 2 Tier 4!!!! - which is why you don't EVER replace one with a level 1 tier 4). The mass of guilds enables you to buy tier 4's at a much faster pace than you would ever be able to without any tier 3 or guilds.
  8. You just have to open land until it is available... I forget that my resets make them available on land 1. You should be able to get enough from volleying to get lands open and a beast available, no problem.
  9. My resets never made them available from land 1. Actually the first time I built they were available but my last couple of times they were not.

    I haven't reset for a while so I hope I'm remembering right!!
  10. You have to LC reset to get this bonus I believe. My resets were all about 4 months ago, and I believe even T4's and the highlands were available after the first land complete reset. I guess you can spend 3 bil for land in the highlands before lowland LC if you want... :oops: