God's Plan for Salvation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YungProdigy2, Jul 8, 2015.

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  1. "How can I find meaning and purpose in life?" Is a common question and worth considering. So what is life all about-and how does this relate to God, me, and eternity?

    It's about how we got here.
    People on this planet didn't get here by some cosmic accident. At creation, God said "Let Us make man in Our image" (Genesis 1:26). God created men and women and placed us on the earth.

    It's about why God put us here.
    God loved what He created and created us to truly know and enjoy Him. He loved us and wanted to live in fellowship with us. In the beginning, we lived in harmony and happiness with God and one another (Genesis 1:31).

    It's about how we responded.
    In our early history the first human turned away from God and went their own way-and fellowship with God was broken. Now, all people are born with a sinful nature, and without exception all of us have sinned (Romans 3:23). The consequences of this is that we are separated from God and deserve punishment for our sins.

    It's about how God rescues us.
    Out of His deep love for us, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to rescue us from our dilemma by dying on the cross (John 3:16). By sacrificing His life on behalf of sinners He took the punishment we deserve in order to provide salvation. Then God raised Jesus from the dead, confirming the work of Jesus on the cross and establishing His power over death.

    It's about our response.
    Jesus has sufficiently paid the debt for all of our wrong-doing, and we are called to turn from our sin, rebellion, and isolation and trust what Jesus has done on our behalf.
    God makes very clear the conditions by which the salvation Jesus offers can be ours. In Mark 1:15 Jesus said,"Repent and believe in the good news!"
    First, God says we must repent. The word "repent" means a change of direction. This means when we turn to God, we are turning away from sin and giving up on the attempt to make ourselves right before God.
    Second, God says we must believe. The word "believe" as it is used in the Bible means trust. The object of our trust is the One who paid the price for our wrong-doing. We must trust Jesus to remove our guilt and the penalty of all the wrongs we have done. The Bible says when we put our faith in Jesus, God takes our sins away and gives us the gift of eternal life.

    How will YOU respond?
    The Bible says that "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord" will be rescued (Romans 10:13). If you've not trusted in Christ as Lord and Saviour, why not stop right now, turn from your sin, and believe in Him who alone can save you and give you new and eternal life?
  2. This will cause controversy in forums.
  3. I'll keep worshiping Odin etc thanks anyway

    Also Jesus dying on the cross means nothing since he was alive 3 days after and 48 days after he went back to heaven.
  4. He who is not stoned, cast the first sin

    ...wait.. I think I messed that one up
  5. Gods plan for salvation: Kate Upton

    I want my 72 virgins and I want em now.
  6. As Obama would say:


    But seriously. Go to people's doors and do this, not forums.
  7. If I wanted to get lectured about the great lord hebus I'd go to church, not Kaw's forums
  8. Support
  9. What is Frog and 72 Virgins called?

    73 Virgins!
  10.  good one ashes
  11. In Kate Upton we thrust!
  12. Preach it
  13. This world and life will end soon and Jesus, our Lord and Savior will come back to gather the believers of His Word. And will cast judgment among the sinners and unbelievers. Although I get ridiculed and made fun of, my purpose is to get His Word out, and whether You receive it is up to you. The end is near, I can feel it. Recieve Christ before it's too late. He loves His people. Be blessed.
  14. You know if how many ppl here are not Christians... Right? Some are Christians, but they became agnostic or atheist. This game is worldwide, and I respect Christianity (because obviously that's my religion) but know the ppl here first...

    They'll just troll alot especially in the topic about the bible. I would rather believe in God in my own than forcing other ppl to believe or letting his name be called in bad ways.....
    By force I mean, telling to be a Christian in a place where everyone is completely different is like forcing them to be a millitary soldier even though they don't want to.....

    I don't want to have further arguements, but I'm just reminding you that there's no Christianity in other countries and for them it's like we're believing in a volcano and stuff....
  15. People have been saying that for hundreds of years and yet nothing

    Plus why should I give myself to a sadistic god

  16. Did i once say anyone had to be Christian? No Even though people make fun of you, spreading the Gospel is every Christians job, i love everyone and what they believe is what they believe just doing my job :)
  17. End is near? Feel it?.....
    What is your nationality?..... I'm not that kind of Christian, but merely just a normal person who can continue believing in God or stop believing in him..... Now it reminds me of wars made in the past because they forcely (wrong word, yes I know) turn them into Christians. Look at Jesus, did he tell his disciples to join him? Or did he tell others to believe in him? No....
  18. you want the 'meaning' of life? It's reproduction.
    You want the 'reason' of life? It has no reason.
  19. @yung, amen.
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