ATTENTION MODS: Don't react immediately and lock this. Please read the contents first before deciding I have created a a thread that encourages strong emotions and hostility. =) Sometimes in our discussions concerning this volatile subject, insults are flung on both sides. This is unfortunate as it discourages open, honest dialogue. I started searching for what the Community of Scientists believed on this subject, and I was surprised by my findings. Does this matter on the subject of God's existence? I say yes... a little. I absolutely love several fields of science. My favorites are cosmology, the new emerging astrobiology, and physics. Even fields of science I don't enjoy all that much has some question or another that I am curious about, such as biology and the question of how does non-bio matter evolve into bio matter and how does bio matter evolve into LIVING bio matter? I know several forumers love science, so when the professional practitioners of a subject that has so much to say about the nature of existence talk maybe some of us listen a little more than perhaps the pastor preaching from a pulpit. Here are some stats from 2009. They're a little old, but I think still relevant. Numbers won't add up to 100 as they have been rounded. These stats only concern the U.S. scientific community. All Scientists: 33% believe in God 18% believe in Universal Spirit / Higher Power 41% don't believe at all 7% don't know/refused to answer The next category I am going to present is really interesting, to me. The above stats are quite inclusive, but now we divide up the fields of science and it appears that some fields are more or less likely to produce scientists that believe in God. Bio/Medical: 32% believe in God 19% believe in Universal Spirit / Higher Power 41% don't believe at all 7% don't know/refused to answer Chemistry: 41% believe in God 14% believe in Universal Spirit / Higher Power 39% don't believe at all 7% don't know / refuse to answer Geoscience: 30% believe in God 20% believe in Universal Spirit / Higher Power 47% don't believe at all 3% don't know/refused to answer Physics/Astronomy 29% believe in God 14% believe in Universal Spirit / Higher Power 46% don't believe at all 11% don't know / refused to answer I have shortened the stats and if you are curious, you may find the results here: ... nd-belief/ When I look at these stats, my face value reaction to them is, the existence of a Jude-Christian God or one like it is not especially popular, but also is not at all irrelevant within the Scientific community. It does seem atheism is the preferred view of anything regarding God or spiritual beings but that majority is not overwhelming in over all numbers, though it seems one field may be more friendly and open to the existence of God than another. Something I would like to encourage on these forums is a greater sense of respect for one another in the handling of each others views. Incredibly brilliant, and more educated people than you or I have views on both sides of this subject and are practitioners in the same field of science. There is absolutely no reason to call each other or our views stupid, uneducated, idiotic, ect, ect. I love science, I agree with evolution.... AND I'm a theist. It seems I'm in some good company... and so are you! Have a nice day, Kaw.
God created everything in 6 days and on the 7th he rested according to the bible. Now humans being human have decided to take it literally as 7 earth days. Crazy i know. Each planet has its own day length depending on size, rotation speed etc. Who knows how long a day is to a God could be millions of years or billions? So God creating everything in 6 days and the theory of evolution could both be true. Someone just needs to ask God how long a day is. Interesting thread tho Dodga out.
So 1: your thread will be deleted because of outside links. 2: religion does not have any place in forums because it will turn hostile.
There are several points as to why God wouldn't have used evolution and to address the 6 days thing. On the third day (not 100% positive), he created the moon and there was night. After that, it would be referring to 24h days. Before that, it could have taken more but being God, he could do all that in a second.
But...but then if god isnt real... Who made kaw? I thought ata was just god with imaginary friends have fun while drinking kool-aid?
Jester, his thread will not be deleted because of links as long as they are trustworthy/not other games.
Let me put this in another manner. You are not allowed to post any link outside of KaW links as its third party advertising. Read the RoC.
Science and religion are based on different aspects of human experience. In science, explanations must be based on evidence drawn from examining the natural world. Scientifically based observations or experiments that conflict with an explanation eventually must lead to modification or even abandonment of that explanation. Religious faith, in contrast, does not depend only on empirical evidence, is not necessarily modified in the face of conflicting evidence, and typically involves supernatural forces or entities. Because they are not a part of nature, supernatural entities cannot be investigated by science. In this sense, science and religion are separate and address aspects of human understanding in different ways. Attempts to pit science and religion against each other create controversy where none needs to exist. That is the National Academy of Science's viewpoint on the subject, and this should be everyone's viewpoint.
I think there are more factors than ONLY the general fields of science What I think would be even more interesting would be to know the beliefs of scientists who work in fields that attempt to push the limits of our understanding of the way out universe works. Take physics for example. There aren't many careers for undergraduate-degree holding physicists. They're more likely to go into research, which leads me to believe that higher physics education is more strongly correlated to atheism than those who have faith, as shown by the statistics you posted. Many of the other fields of science you listed are probably less likely to go on to graduate-level education, which probably explains their higher tendency to be believers in a higher power. See if you can find a similar statistic that looks at advanced physics, chemistry, math, and astrology researchers. I'm sure the numbers will look MUCH different.
No! We must be hooligans! I mean hyrulians and worship the all mighty piforce, mean pieforce... I mean triforce! Yeah thats right! I am insane, font ever feed snakes kool aid
All though others may not agree, i thought this was a good and legitimate thread. We should be able to speak more freely, but people need to learn that freedom of speech comes with consequences on what you say. Most of the time this topic turns hostile. But like yourself, I too would like to see a change. I would also like to ask you something OP. I am going to be writing an essay on Human Evolution Vs. Creationism. I would like your help If possible. I would also like to know of I could use bits of information out of this thread. I hope it doesn't get deleted because it could come in handy for me. If you seem Interested just follow me back.
Sorry will read properly later. First glance well thought out post. And each to their own as long as they cause no harm to others. And preferably themselves. People can worship god or a plug as far as I'm concerned. As long as they harm no-one else. So lets see where this goes.