GoA vs MDK

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RidgeCoyote, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. We here in the Guild of Alabama are noobs at osw, this is our first one. On the surface then, it's pretty insane to take on a collection of hardened fighters with loads of experience. Oops! I'd like to explain how this war came about so my clanmates and curious others can understand.

    First tho, a shout out to the other side for being good sports and fighting well. We've learned lots from y'all and it's been fun. Hope it goes on for a long, long time.

    The war started when a new member came into our clan, a female named Marowyn. She had been trying help a clan named inari that MDk had spent months obliterating. And she was still getting stripped and ripped daily.

    GoA is all about southern chivalry, and we just can't stand to see a woman being bullied, so I stepped in and started a counterattack that led to the war. My big regret is that I didn't consult with my fellow clannies, and roped them all into something big without talking it over.

    My bad.

    But we have such a great clan, they all vowed they'd back me and rather die than retreat. And so we fight.
    We are learning as we go and getting better all the time. OSW Rulez! Constant EB sux!

    Long live the fighters!
  2. Oh crud. I posted in the wrong section of the forum. I'm a noob at forums also. Lol.
  3. Can't you ask mods to put it in a different section ?
  4. Good for you GOA
  5. Why are you running an eb if in an osw..
  6. Collection of hardened fighters with loads of experience? LOL that's for sure not most in MDKjust my opinion

    Btw who wants to know Watery's bank?
  7. MDK I know u guys well. Keep trash talk u love so much off this thread please. Guy gave u credit. In my opinion way too much but respect that for once
  8. 5 bil ally hire says marowyn is really a dude.
  9. Bank of MDK??
    Is it Death-2-You-Noob?
  10. Or is it lIlIlI_I_DerangeD_I_lIlIlI ?
  11. About the MDK being jerks. I guess like any collection, some are, some aren't. We feel the owner has been reasonable and intelligent.

    And sure, we hit eb. Why not? So do they. Not all war tactics follow some script y'all got in your heads. They've certainly taught us a few tricks. As far as marowyn's true gender.... Well. We are FB friends and live in the same state. Deep down , if you can fake it that good, good enough to fool this particular coyote, then it don't matter anyway. Fake anything that good and it becomes real.

    Absolute Idealism.

    Ps: please do not threaten. We are bored with threat.
  12. Nooooooo but watery likes brunettes methinks
  13. BattleList,
    EB's are ran in OSW to help pin yourself if some people need to .
  14. Non are banks 
  15. nicely put coyote.. Only way to learn is through actual experience. I'm sure that as long as you can make your clannies stick to each other and value friendship more than the imaginary gold you lost, you will be on the road of establishing a good War Clan in the future.

    is that the same watery we have on our clan page info as permafarm? Hmmm, still busy slugging it out with -profake- maybe after our own osw we can go back farming him, lol
  16. Yes Scouty, that is me, I can't wait for you guys to finish up with your war, I look forward to our future tangle and hopefully making some friends / enemies at New Age.
    After all that's what the game is about.

    Regarding the war between GoA and MDK, it has ended in a cease fire and I request the foruming community let this thread die, thank you 