go to t4 and skip t3??

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ________God_Of_Olympus________, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. Just wondering if it would be faster to just skip t3 and head into t4 atk buildings or convert my t2 to t3 then to t4. Anyone have any help or tips or ideas for me? Thanks.
  2. Skip T3, it is hardly stronger than T2
  3. Its alot easier going t2 t3 t4 because they each give a lil more plunder than the previous. If you had purely t2 buildings, itd take forever to save up enough to buy even 1 t4 building, let alone upgradeing it.

    Your best bet? Just go in order. Slowly convert t2 to t3..fully upgrade..then build t4 :) happy KaW-ing

  4. It would be much faster to get T3 first as T4 cost way more and without T3 u get crap money It would actually be faster to convert to guilds saving up about 1bil and then instantly convert to a T1 guild lvl 4 one at a time til u only have one atk building
  5. And when u decide to start converting to T4 atk buildings then save up enough to get a lvl 2 before u start don't get T2 guilds until u read a guide on hansel T2 first good luck ~THEMONSTER
  6. And when u decide to start converting to T4 atk buildings then save up enough to get a lvl 2 before u start don't get T2 guilds until u read a guide on hansel T2 first good luck ~THEMONSTER
  7. Sry it double posted
  8. Go to t3 now not t4 it would take someone with a t2 build to go to t4 would take forever just to build one t4 building it is almost 4bil
  9. Thanks everyone!!  i figired it would be better to take the ordered way, just wondering.
  10. Thanks everyone! I was actually wondering this myself! As you can see, I just finished upgrading all t2's to t3's!
  11. Phoenix I prefer not to have def buildings as they don't help plunder but it's up to you
  12. Yeah only if people don't like you are you real war a lot are def builds helpful. And usually you can avoid the hits by porting up any way.
  13. I agree 