Glass blowers/Glass enthusiasts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -------8BaIl---------, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Anyone blow glass? Or have a glass piece collection? Just curious to see what's out there trying to get a new idea for a new piece

  2. I really admire the artistry/technique/technology in glass blowing.. Hope you find fellow enthusiasts!
  3. Ashes...
    Because of your gif, this thread took 5mins to load :/

  4. Buy a better phone
  5. I have a nexus 5 2013

    Snapdragon 800
    Quad core cpu clocked at 2.3ghz
    Adreno 330 gpu
    2gigs of ram

    I don't think my phone is the issue.
    This game isn't graphically intensive, so I should be completely fine ;)

  6. This type of art is intriguing to me. It's a race to form a vision while trying to keep the structure from collapsing or melting. I don't know how these people do this stuff, but it's awesome.

    Also, I have an edge 6+.

    It loaded immediately. Maybe you should feed the hamster.
  7. ^Thanks for not posting another gif.

    If anything it has to be my free mcdonalds wifi.
    Should have bought some more mcnuggets and maybe they'd hook me up with better data speeds :/
  8. Few types of glass availiable. Your picture is soft glass and it's a race against time. Boro workers have all the time in the world for the most part. If you like fish look up Buck glass.
  9. Its your snapdragon flip phone cordless zack morris style cell phone.

  10. Oh man. Saved By The Bell references.

    Little did we know that Jessie would turn out to be the award winning actress in that sitcom...