Giving up my account

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SE-ZTECH-UBK, Jun 9, 2015.

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  1. Is there anywhere in Tou where you can give your account to someone?I just got perm muted because I said I am giving my account to anyone I don't play anymore wtf.
  2. It's against ToU to sell/give away your KAW account. If I'm not mistaken, the account will get banned from KaW if the developers find out it was sold/given to a new person. It's classified as account sharing. Which is a big no no.
  3. Give it to your cat. Can't do any worse than Chubby. 
  4. Ok thx please /lock
  5. Unless you're a huge spender. That's in fine print in the TOU
  6. Ban that acct now
  7. Spreading false information is a silencable offense :roll: even if we think it, doesn't make it ok to say it...
  8. 

  9. /lock
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