Giving Players A Voice

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by --Aether--, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. I would like to suggest a new rank amongst players.


    A rather simple title isn't it? Well here is what being "friendly" would mean. The player would have to have played KAW long enough to have earned the loyalty achievement and must have a clean record, or a good record. For example, if a player was silenced that had the "Friendly" title they would lose that title for a good long time of let's say 3-6 months. Yes, that is long but it is a necessary punishment for doing something that would cause you to be silenced because by being silenced, you are being unfriendly. By being "Friendly" it should not imply too much more than the title itself. A simple, friendly player. But certain perks should come alone with this title.

    Concerning the mod problem around inactivity it can simple be fixed by "friendly" players. Before stating my next idea, I want to make it firm that this should be used in cases where someone is either putting too many ads out, Said something they didn't realize was bad(unless it was really bad) or when someone is taking a dispute or problem to the next level. Everything relative to that should also be considered amongst the situations my proposition should apply to but of course, if a situation comes up the decision is still at the digression of a moderator if one is online at the time of situation.

    -Community Voting-

    Negative Marks(Bandit Points)

    If a user was to post something in World Chat or Clan Chat and the majority of listeners were to be offended by it, they could simply go the to players profile and give them a "Negative mark" . If enough players mark the offender, action should be taken by the system. The punishment should be a silence with a length that is determined automatically by the amount of negative marks the offender has received. If the amount is 20 then they should be silenced for 24 hours. If the amount is 10 it should be 12 hours. The numbers are really all up to you, developers.

    Positive Marks(Kingdom Points)

    A positive mark is something given to a player by another player. If enough positive marks are given to a player, let us say a number of 300, the player should be rewarded with the "Valiant Knight" achievement.

    The number of positive and negative points a player has should be displayed publicly to show other players what level of kindness, respect or morality the player has. This would be advantageous in many situations such as who to accept into your clan or who to talk to. Some people like good, some people like bad. Fun times for everyone.

    The marking system is completely up to you, developers, about how it would be created but I would like to voice my suggestion. Giving a player a negative mark or positive mark shouldn't actually be writing a report. It should be as simplistic as pressing one button, receiving an "are you sure?" Notification and going on with your day.

    The Catch?

    If a player was to receive 300 positive marks(kingdom points) and gain the valiant night achievement, but the be silenced by the community, they should receive one strike. We all know the three strike system right? Well here is the big thing. If a player was to be silenced directly by a mod within 1-2 weeks of earning that achievement it should be taken immediately, their points should be reset and given a normal warning and strike like usual.


    Now if you have read this far you have probably thought by know it would be easy to exploit the community silence feature. The only way the community silence should function is, if in the last 5-10 minutes, if the player has either spoken in World Chat, posted on someone's Wall, or spoken in Clan Chat. That way it should be fair. If not enough players are online at the time then nothing would happen. The main idea here is that even though KAW probably cares about everyone, a large group need to be affected in order to issue a community silence.

    Last notes about being "Friendly"

    If you lose the "Friendly" title the only time you should receive it again is after the 3-6 month penalty. That penalty time limit is harsh but it should be that way to ensure the system isn't abused. If a player abuses the community voting system more 3 times the entire privilege should be revoked from them permanently unless they apply through email like applying to be un-silenced from a permanent silence.

    If you support this, spread the idea around and make it known. The more supporters that talk about it the more positively the idea has and only at the point in which a large amount of people support the idea, should it be added. Developers, you may add this any time but I would like to see the Kawmunity voice their opinions and decide it. After all, we play your game. We deserve a voice.

    Good day,
  2. No support, I feel it's only u and maybe a couple of noobs that think this is needed, I however think that the mods are more than capable of being voices of the kawmunity.

    I think your points system is elaborate but exploitable.

    On the plus side i think it's great you're trying to help the kawmunity and better it for everyone :D
  3. I respect your feedback. My main struggle right now is that for the past two years of playing I've witnessed a lot of situations go down in Clan Chat and World Chat that the mods haven't been on to catch. I just wish we had our own abilities to use together to act instead of calling the big mods over and whining about it hahaha
  4. And yes that was also one of the biggest struggles about the system. Exploitation. It's open to improvement so anyone else reading if you have any ideas don't be afraid to post
  5. What's a "valiant night"?
  6. Clan chat is unmoderated. One cannot be silenced for what they say in clan chat except in extremely rare cases.
  7. Clan chat isnt viable to the terms of use. I learned that when i bypassed constantly in gaw fam chat with one of the moderators online in chat with us :D
  8. I disagree with a VK achievement.

    I like the whole idea about giving players the 'Friendly' mark, making them seem like a dependable player who hasn't got into any issues.

    Strongly disagree with the whole 'negative mark' as many players will just troll everyone and give everyone a down vote.

    This whole idea has major flaws to it, and isn't really worth inputting into KaW as other things. But I like the whole base of the idea. Kinda.
  9. Thanks for the feedback :)
  10. Exactly people would probably ️troll and give me friendly votes... And that's just plain inaccurate.
  11. Well I will no longer be watching this post and I understand it has a lot of flaws in it haha so thanks in advance for the people that take the time to read this thread. I'll work on my next ideas harder haha I want to improve our Kawmunity :) and trolls, it is 4:08 am and I made a couple of grammar mistakes. I'm sure that isn't a life crisis for you so you should be ok hahaha
  12. Nice thread! :)
    Good points throughout!

    Here's an idea to add onto your thread. Instead of a "friendly" player status. A simple "report" button if it were implemented - would be of great use as well! Any player could click any violation etc.

    Still, with 27 moderators active throughout Kaw, only so many of them can be watching at any given time. Violations that go through the cracks, happens. Still good ideas all around.

    If you ever spot a violation, best to wall any moderator to see if they can assist.
  13. Dat tz tho.
    Maybe you should keep watching. There's more to learn.
  14. Hahaha I'll check in but it's 4:13 am and I haven't slept In days 
  15. Yeah that's a great idea haha I'll work on the idea and bring it up in the future :)
  16. No support.Between mods and VK we have enough known helpful players,not to mention all the other unknown ones.