Girl help plz?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TFE_Longboarddude44_TFE, Nov 14, 2014.

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  1. Ok so I'm pretty new to this whole dating thing, theres this girl I really like in my math class and I wanted to be her boyfriend, theres these really cool guys in grade 9 and they have sex about five times a day, they say that girls love it when boys show them their *****.

    So in my next math class I stole a seat next to her and stared at her boobs, I became erection and pulled it out through the fly of my pants, as I was about to tap her on the shoulder so she could see my *****, this other girl that has no boobs and is ugly screamed "oh my god!", screaming and pointing at my *****.

    I stood up to tell her to shut up and go away, but my ***** was still hanging out from my pants, all the class was looking at it, I didn't want them to see my ***** because it meant I would have to have sex with everybody in the room. I tried to make things right by swooping over to the girl I like and bringing my ***** up to her face close up, this made it clear that I wanted her to see my ***** and not the rest of the class.

    She screamed and tried to stab me with a pen, but she missed and stuck it up my bum, it felt really good, and some weird clear goo shot out from my ***** and hit her in the face, she ran out of the room crying and I got sent to the office.

    My ***** was caught in my zipper, so I had to leave it hanging out there for a while longer, but then classes ended and everybody entered the hallway, everybody saw my *****, and I now have to have sex with the entire school.

    I don't understand what happen, why are ugly girls so nosy, and why did the girl I like run away? Is my ***** very small, I do not understand.
  2. What the literal **** did I just read? xD
  3. What in the absolute **** did I just read?
  4. i actually laughed myself to tears at this 

    I suggest porn from now on o_O
  5. Forum ban
  6. Are you kidding?! :lol: you must've pressed submit a second before me, for I had to go again because someone was already posting. Stole my line you bugger!
  7. Did u copy paste this from google?

    I am only guessing this cause one of my friend reads these kinds of story out during lunch. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Oh.. Well then. 
  9. Can't tell if he's trying to be funny or not 

  10. No lethalbarn its true i need help to get this girl to like me plz fot any suggestions?
  11. watch porn. Its safer. Best suggestion i got.
  12. Talk to your parents 
  13. That works too. Dont tell em about today tho. Might end badly lol
  14. I dont have any parents i live in a box
  15. Finally a situation applicable to this meme!
  16. Anyway you posted this months ago
  17. Yeah, this wasn't funny the last time you posted this months ago, what the hell makes you think it's funny now?

  18. Totally appropriate wolfie
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