If this has already been brought up, May the KaW Gods turn me to dust tl;dr: Sharing would allow members to trade things such as the new haunting seals. Pro: international clans can have a fair spread of when the new haunts are run. Con: potential for growth to be way to fast and easy. thoughts? My clan has run into an issue of our day v.s. night crews having an unfair balance of seals and therefore the clan has lopsided growth. I believe there should be a system that allows the trade of certain items, obviously not nobs or xtals but things like the new seals and defensive items. maybe even aqua/inferno? The bad things are that the rich and lucky can quickly bestow upon others their wealth of items and then certain clans will grow immensely faster than others. The EE system would probably need changes since def and sdf items would be easily given to weaker people. Finally, the implementation of such a system would dramatically alter the dynamic of KaW. I'm still thinking this through so not everything was taken into account... What do you think?
Man have I wanted this for ages. One time I was trying to sell a clan to a guy, but didn't have enough money in allies to do it. But I agree, it could be abused for fast alt growth. Maybe you can't gift people who are on the same IP Adress as you most of the time?
that could probably work, but I still feel like people could easily abuse it in several different ways
Or! You have somebody from Night crew or whatever unlock the EB then go to bed, allowing day crew to get a good run in. Teamwork in clans FTW!
Will never happen! To much opportunity for people to just make a lot of alts and give stuff to their main. Sorry
This topic has been brought up, but not with seals, yet, still has been brought up, KAW GODS TURN HIM TO DUST! >