Hey guys, Ashley Ñ tox here. Today, we are bringing you what seems to be a friendly gift from the devs. We don't know if it's a glitch or what. I have asked a mod and the mod doesn't even know what's going on. I'm sure you're all anxious to know what the big surprise is, so here it is. TSG is now dropping seals. Now here's what is probably going through your fairy minds, Um what? No way, you are such a liar. TSG isn't allowed to drop seals. Well, you're wrong, here is the proof. As you can see, Tsg is now dropping the seals. Please excuse the part were tox was talking about his inferno, he surely does want some! :lol: Anyway, both tox and I are wishing you a happy late valentines day as well as the devs. After all, you devs can't be that bad. Giving us a gift like this. I still totally hate this eb Hey, tox here, my input about this is that the devs are probably getting ready for their spring event. Allowing Tsg to drop a seal is never before seen. And spring is coming up. Sping events, Tsg dropping seals, seems like the devs are trying to make Tsg popular. But why? Let's all thank the devs for this wonderful gift that is the seals from Tsg. Maybe if we try a little harder, we might uncover some more ebs that drop seals. You never know. Wulf has updated his thread saying Tsg does drop seals. So thank you devs, and let's all have some fun again! HAPPY KAWING AND MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR Tox Ñ Ashly <3
Actually, tsg has dropped random seals since the devs started doing seals. It's even in Wulf's eb guide. Old news but Happy V-day to you as well.
Hmmm. Wulf has just put that in 2 hours ago. He didn't even know. Neither did the mods. It seems that no one knew but only a few. But I think the Tsg seal drops are increasing I've done at least 20 Tsg since they came out and this is he first I've seen of it
I was seeing a lot of seal drops in fortitude during my time there. How'd the mods not even know :lol:
Umm, tsg has always dropped seals. We've had easily 50 drops in the last few months. One every couple days or so.
Hmm, well it's been silent. And no one knew lol. But still, it's weird, cause even the devs said thst only haunts revenge, and warbeast dropped seals
I had no idea that the fine print was in there, but it made the thread that more funny :lol: Ashley knows how to make a thread enjoyable
Yeh toxic. Don't know where you got that Wulf just added that in his guide. It's been there for months now. The seals can drop from a couple of ebs as well. They drop from revenge of the warbeast the most though. We've been getting double drops from RotWB.