Ghosts removed

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by eddzie, Jun 18, 2010.

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    they have official removed ghost accounts from kaw,for those of you who do not know ghost allies are allies who can not be bought, they can only be found on walls, they cost 0 gold and could have had LC stats, they were very hard to come by, I had 8 I had over 150K stats in attack and 700k in spy stats  I was a treasurer of these acounts and loved these guys  i have to officially say they have been removed from the game. I'm awaiting confermation
  2. it happend to me too
  3. Wait xgh0stx or just ghost?
  4. Lol it was pretty sad watching them leave
  5. Erm, they're still there.
  6. Never new about these XD
  7. Acr0n reported that ghost accounts were being seems the devs listened to him.
  8. Hmm. I held on Raven for a couple months.