gh ruining wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Gauss80, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Did devs think they fixed gh problem by slightly lowering their pay per hit? The true problem lies in the make to pay ratio. Where I make and pay on a 1:1 ratio theirs is at 30:1. So please make their ratio of plunder earned equal to that of their plunder given up and make wars fun again.
  2. And if you could, why do I pay 30x more than I make when I'm only 9x bigger than these .5,.5 .8,.8 builds?
  3. What's your total bfe
  4. If we keep making fun if gh build eventually it will go away
  5. Gh don't need to go away the ratio just needs to be fair as I said I'm not 30 times bigger so I shouldn't pay 30 times more than they pay me.
  6. GH ruinING?

    GH ruinED*
  7. Shut up, gh all already nerved, look around you. I think 70% of the gh changed build. Stop crying
  8. I eat gH for breakfast.
  9. Just learn to use them in your roaster/stratergy and get on with it
  10. Support also need to fix hansel attack bar. It not fair that any 2 small hansel can pin any big spy build with fails. Attack bar is not like that why is the spy bar so ez to take down.
  11. Wooh GH ftw
  12. Support op, wars are boring when everyone wanna bring small accounts that haven't grown in ages just to go unhit which removes the fun an fairness from the game lmao land complete just to reset an be small with big gear seems legit
  13. Dev please do somthing about this forum topic is true.
  14. I sense butthurt on this thread
  15. Nah the butthurt would be the gh, I'm willing to bet the first gh was someone who tore they build down to avoid a farming lmao peeps reset with big eq to hunt easy wins lmao sounds kinda weak to me
  16. It doesn't matter what you think ^ if the build is there, why shouldn't we use it? It's as much of a build as pure spy, where they are amazing for war. Now, if they got rid of Guild Hansels, they'd have to get rid of pure spy, hansel, attack, tower, hybrid, heavy spy, heavy attack, every build there is would have to be taken down and therefor stop all wars. Because, Guild Hansel has as much of a right to be around as any other. So GH haters... Go **** yourselves :D
    I guess haters will be haters... There will always be jealous people like the haters in this thread. Always afraid to try things themselves and so want it gone so no one else gets it eh.
  17. Kwency after you laughed your ass off twice where did it go?
  18. To op, just wonder how many times gh can win against you when they attack? If you and a gh face off 1vs 1 in EE, who will win the plunder battle? If you and gh unload troops on each other, you may get 15mil plunder, gh will get 0, and if you ko him you may get another 20 mil, the plunder would be 35-0, if people want to equalized the payout, the hit succeed ratio should be equal too.