GH Plunder Recordings

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. So for the first hit on this haunt earlier today, I earned this much plunder.


    So earning that much with EE level 5 and the new 50% haunts or (4.5x Haunts) is a respectable amount for a nerfed build. The crazy thing is almost 2 hours later (check the time stamps) it shows a 6mil increase in plunder earned.


    The plunder did not change which means my troop buildings stayed the same. What changed is the allies bonus which is what guilds directly affect.

    The ally bonus increase means the developers have actually buffed the previous nerfed builds by a little margin. This can show that the guild hansel build is not actually finalized. I'll keep this updated through the next week to see if anything has become more stabilized in the guild department.
  2. Wait.

    The nerd is live now?
  3. Intrasting
  4. Nerf is live*
  5. Nice thread. I'm interested to see where this goes.
  6. It must be live because there shouldn't be a variation in allies bonus. I never changed my build and you can see that the plunder itself is exactly the same so these are my first hits.
  7. I didn't even notice xD
  8. I thought it was held off because of New Age or something.
  9. I figured it out!

    Drum roll please

    You changed from 3G to wifi ;)
  10. The nerf was suppose to go live sometime yesterday but it went live early today shortly after the Black Friday event was started (I believe).
  11. My sos lv3's increased plunder by 11m lol
  12. Hm. Interesting. Please keep us posted,

    I believe it mah have just been a plunder boost for HTE, because my alr (unloading on Smoke Signals) hasn't had a plunder change
  13. I wish I had lvl 5 EE Dx

    So much gold. 
  14. So HtE would be receiving even more increases to plunder. Without this promotion (and before the nerf) I net around 110 mil first hit. Now I'm making 144mil.

    50% of 110 is 55 so without the nerf I should be making close to 165 but I'm making 144.

    21 mil plunder difference? That's not exactly a huge nerf but it definitely slows us down lol.
  15. What's an HTE?
  16. Haunting: the Escape or HtE
  17. Yup versa I noticed d change in ap too...mine went up frm 109 mill to 119 mill
  18. I have the same thing happening to me