GH and lovin it

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Anwar_Jnr_Kang, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. The Catechism Wars… yea remember those? They were test wars. It was a great time for individuals and clans to test builds, rosters, and strategies. A wonderful trial opportunity for anyone to take advantage of. Though by reading the forums lately it would appear that some didn't use their time wisely.

    Guild Handel's
    What a wonderful war build. No really let's lay this out. A build thats made up of tier 1 spy buildings. Tier 1!! You're joking :eek: Oh no its true. Now the beautiful thing is that with a descent BFA you can use this build to hit much higher CS target for good pay. Its no secret you make bank as a guild hansel and when hit back you don't pay as well because of those pretty little tier 1 buildings. I know ;) wonderful isn't it…
    Oh but that's not it there's more!!! If you add some spy defense towers to this build it becomes a dominating war machine. SDT allows a GH to hit even bigger targets while also being protected from assassinations to our troops.
    Wow what a great war build. Used during Season I but perfected during The Catechism Wars.

    Now I ask you a simple question.
    You mad bro?
    No seriously why do you think that a tier 1 build should pay better. Honestly now what are you thinking? Sure we are a dominant force in these wars but we also took the time given to us by devs to set up our beloved war build. Oh but you make too much plunder per hit! Do you not make more $ hitting stronger opponents? Yes, No, Maybe so???
    Oh wait you want a guild hansel to pay like a normal hansel build... This is completely stupid and completely laughable. You are hitting a weaker build but want more plunder for doing so.

    As a guild hansel I've invested time and money into gaining higher BFA just so I can hit you. Yes its true I enjoy the plunder that drips off your poorly planned war build. Oh but GH's are a cheap build that takes no time to make… Cheap really… in a free to play game this is your argument? A game that is rated for little kids to play and this is your argument. Again you are laughable. But to set you straight we pay for xtals, speakers, and propacks just like everyone else.

    Back to The Catechism Wars… I used this time to my advantage. My build is all based around what worked in these trial wars. Do I enjoy hitting you for 50mil a hit… you bet ;) Does the fact that you hit back and don't make much make me happy… I go to sleep with a smile… Does your whining make it worth it… oh yes oh yes.
    The fact is I used my time during the trial wars to test what works and you did not. Its your own fault not a GH's or even the devs. Strategies, rosters, and builds were set up according to what worked in these test wars.
    Now you want change I say change yourself. Go hit an epic.

    Oh but us mid builds are getting destroyed by not only Guild Handel's but leaderboard accounts too!
    Wait you want them excluded too? Is anyone else seeing that all this crying over builds and rosters is nothing more then an attempt to gain an advantage in war after not using the trial wars to work the kinks out?

    Oh but the guild hansel build is so cheap I've spent so much on my account and they can hit me! Too bad so sad. But I personally have spent hundreds on my account and I just hit you for 50+ mil… not bad for a cheap build right?

    The time for change was during the trial wars. The season has started and if you don't like it there's always x3 haunts! But wait seals cost too much huh? You guys make me LOL

    A paying customer who loves these wars and will keep paying for xtals just to read forums
  2. Finally one person that's for the GH
  3. I'm am literally laughing my ass off right now...very well put op
  4. I'm all for GH.
    I was one for a while in all honesty. But I prefer stats. I love the aspect of war. Which means the other side gets a chance to hit me back xD
  5. Man, this guys a genius, first GH, then SDT for war, whatever next, ADT?!
  6. I hope I get to war your clan one day!!!!
  7. Op you just made my day lmfao
  8. Respect to op finally someone gets it.
  9. Says the hansel with no adt
  10. GH and lovin it too haha.
  11. Very nice. Support. GH build shall never die.
  12. Thats one way to look at it. On the other hand though most gh are hlbc. Why should a non hlbc build make less hitting you? Youre the bigger build. You just have lower cs.
  13. Again time and money put into our builds. But you wantva free ride because we use a low cs building.
  14. I always thought guild hansels were just the fast easy build... And still do.
  15. It doesnt take a massive amount of time to build a gh. It takes way longer to build any other build. So buy your arguement of time spent on build you should be at a disadvantage.
  16. They're the master race.
  17. @sky
    I warred against you in a 1h war you pay nice :eek:
  18. I still think gh is a sissy build lmao:p But the truth is they are also not exactly an easy build to use. You still have to pick the right targets and use a variety of tactics to keep afloat in war. So while I think the build is sissy i also have a lot of respect for those that use it well and are good at what they do! Side note (damn yous and your plundering, always dtw asses hahaha)
  19. Why did you never hit me then ? And thank you for not denying my point.