getting started

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by the_forgotten_warrior, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Hello this is a guide to getting started in KAW

    1st step is find a good clan that will help you grow.

    2nd step is get volleyed to about 1-2b build.

    3rd step is buy lands till you have enough to build tier 2 buildings.

    4th step build caths to level 3. Caths give 5% extra in ally plunder.

    5th step get max ally plunder. That means that you have reached the max amount of gold your allys can give you.

    How to check for max ally plunder. Hit a osf. Write down amount you get from allies. Buy cheap ally and if number goes up your not ally capped if it stays you are.

    After you get 16 lands stop buying and building. Replace your tier 2 level 3 caths with t3 level 3 summoing circles. Dont level them up one at a time level them up to level 3 right away. Countine building summoing circles till you have 16 lands full. Buy more land and build summoing circle level 3 repeat process till you have 25 summoing circles level 3.

    Next start to build level 4 guilds in highlands. 6-8 guilds will do. Please note guilds give huge increase in ally plunder.

    after you have 6-8 guilds go back to low lands and replace tier 3 with tier 4. You may pick any tier 4. Get low lands covered in tier 4 level 3

    Go back to highlands and buy more land. After you buy land build tier 4 level 3 building (your choice) repeat process.
  2. Feel free to add more
  3. Also do not post here if you are going to break tou i will report
  4. What about one War aviary? For the extra two hits?
  5. this has been made so many times before
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