Here's a tip. For allies, you want the Ally that's price is the highest. If you get the ally that jas the highest price that you can afford gets you a higher ally plunder. If you get so many allies that have a really low price you will get a really small ally plunder. Please comment on if you like this or not.
Better advice would be start with 100 mil allies, saving up for those. Once you get max plunder with thoses, land clear while keeping it max ally bounes. Then, goo after 300-500 mil, then 1bil
That's a dumb's what it should be,best stats so it helps you in attack,defense,spy attack,spy defense. And for a good price because then that's the money you get in an attack
No at first you dont go for stats, you go for money. After you have an easy access to alot of money, thats when you go for stats
/facepalm... There's a better way, but I'm not going into it. Some secrets are best kept...well...secret.