Get A Refund for Your Kids' Facebook Purchases

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Hello, Forum Scum.

    This is your friendly neighborhood imposter dairy product here with yet another Public Service Announcement that will surely give your life (or at least your wallet) a little boost.

    According to The Guardian, parents may now request a full refund for any purchase their child made through Facebook.

    So, if your kid went out and bought a couple thousand nob and used to it drop volley Cella for teh lulz, head on over to the link in the article to find out how to get your money back, and hopefully, save Cella from her doomed future.

    This is all thanks to an American law that prohibits minors from entering into legally binding contracts, I guess. Does this mean App Store and Play Store purchases by minors will also come under question? Idk.

    Discuss and troll. You're in control.
  2. So any American minor can ask their parents to get a refund on anything they've spent through Facebook? They'll just get their money back...?
  3. i'm sure no one will abuse that system with fraudulent refunds.

    because people are inherently good, especially when they are on the internet and they don't have to look another human being in the eye.
  4. I want a refund for all the free nob offers that worked! Those took for ever to find and at $2 per hour I worked enough for $34,000 this year to get them to work and I want my paycheck.
  5. Idk all the details of the settlement, Ruggy. Couldn't be bothered to look because I don't have any kids (that I know of). I just figured this might be useful for someone who fell victim to a kid going rogue with their virtual wallet on FB. I'll leave it up to them to look further into it.
  6. Took the words straight out of my mouth.

    I just can't see anyone exploiting this. :lol:
  7. Interesting...
  8. Yeah i don't kno the exact law but i don't think they'd be able to get everything back...i mean if a kid bought a can of coke online & drank the coke you wouldn't get refunded...i'd understand if it were a weekly fee for purchases...maybe u could get the money for propacks back as its an ongoing obligation but i don't think u'll see a return on stuff liike seals, xtals & bc unless, maybe, u have not used them yet...
  9. Cheese.. I want a full refund for that botched fondue RP we did back in 2013..

    It just wasn't gouda nough..
  10. :lol: sorry, Ashes. All sales are final. A contract between two (partially sober) mature (pfffff ) adults is fully enforceable.
  11. The judge ruled that FB must refund even the money used for spent "goodies". So yes, even if you don't think they are able to get everything back. A dumb decision in my opinion. It's only parents fault. They should take care of their credit cards.
  12. Agree with Vlad 100%
  13. What's next? Full refund for the Louis Vuitton bag bought by your girlfriend/wife using your credit card?
  14. As a 10 year old, I look forward to exploiting this. LB HERE I COME!
  15. Ive actually done this through google play on GoW, i got refunded a 100$ purchase. Be careful though, people got banned for using it from the game.

    Im assuming same would happen here
  16. My seven year old cousin spent about 1800$ on some random Balloon game. (Might I add it was terrible) Apple refunded the full ammount with only one phone call! Times must be a changing!
  17. Well I guess the source is quite legitimate.

    Nice thread, Investigation-Cheese.
  18. If your condom broke and you have a kid, can you get a refund cos technically it's the kid that did it?

    *insert pondering emoji
  19. I'm 7 years old and plan on abusing this to the fullest.

    Now I know what you're all thinking ......

    "Isn't this a 9 game, what is this 7 year old doing here?"


    "Where is this 7 years old parents, who are very irresponsible by allowing their child to play a 9 game where you hit virtual monsters and other kingdoms and allow thousands of thousands of common folk to die for your sick pleasure as you sit on your lazy butt and count your virtual gold?"

    Those are both very good questions, and my answer to both of them is that I paid off ATA through the buying of nobs and xtals in Kaw. Which I then abused by getting a refund.......

    Or maybe it's the fact that I'm not actually 7 years old. (For all you people who take things way too seriously.)