So, Lately I've been told I am egotistical. I am what is tearing Fan Fic apart. I am everything that's wrong in the world, just to sum it up. Well, Feather's leaving. A few people told me ways to get rid of my anger, and while I was calm, I came up with a phrase that does just that! Now, a person has stated that it makes Feather sound full of himself. Tell cheese to come back. Tell Irin to be on full time, because Feather is apparently a plague. A catastrophe of epic proportions. The probability that I will make a writer leave is 100%. Blah, blah, blah. Feather is leaving, though. He's never coming back most likely, just to update his stories, and even that is not perpetual. I would like to mention a few people I think should be mentioned in light of recent events. Irin — I was a jerk. I'll admit it. Comparing you to a Peacekeeper? One of the harshest analogies I've EVER made. I sincerely apologize, I really do. Please finish Broken. It's extremely awesome. You ever gonna finish the Bounty Huntress? If you reply... I probably won't know. But go ahead. I might be in the mood to check. Storallelite — I realized I've changed into something darker... My canines elongated to become fangs. A tongue like a serpent. Quick to strike, slow to think. I'm sorry. Sorry I've hurt you. Im trying to change back into the gentle Mockingjay I was. When I came up with that phrase, it may bot have helped y'all, but it was helping me! It helped me to control my anger! And you didn't care. But it's what you told me, to control my anger! Thanks a lot... iPimella — Only two things. You're an awesome writer and I think you wrote while eating chips and awesomesauce! The second: If that's what you think. Cheesemuffin — If I was to say what I really meant, I'd end up hurting you. Oh, and, stop stalking me. You asking me where I lived yesterday so you could disprove my statement about never being threatened? Stalker...ish... That pretty much ends it... Bye bye...
I kinda liked feather, even if he DID cause problems. :cry: Come back sometime when you aren't as angry... The problem with your phrase is that it really pisses people off, because it makes them feel as if they aren't getting the point through. Bye feather :cry: I really liked you though :cry:
K, ur not a plague no matter what everyone says just people have those moments, everyone does so do I and yea, u actually shouldn't leave. Ur a great writer and ppl actually like u.
While it may have done that feather, no matter how you put it, it did make in sound full of yourself in opinion. Sorry if I'm a bit harsh about it but I did say I would say it straight. Goodbye and come back when you've found a better way to control your anger.
Yay smighter. Same. Feather u can stay but when u get as angry as u did its time to log off and go fishing in your goldfish bowl.
Where did I go wrong I lost a friend Somewhere in the bitterness and I Would have stayed up With you all night Had I known How to save a life