Hello KAWers,I made a thread about growing your account quicker,I'm here to revise it with broader topics.Follow these tips is you REALLY want to grow,they may sound skeptical but they honestly work. 1,The potion is a lie. Some potions are used for Epic Battles,and some just help you win,but the dark truth is that potions hurt more than they help.not only does spending the money from them hinder your growth,but using them in standard attacks decreases the end bonus you make in Epic Battles and wars,they also decrease item chances for you aswell,these don't include potions you need to beat a certain Epic Battle they do increase your plunder.Bottom line potions will hinder you in the long run,unless your in OSW then if you want to spend the cash on potions they may help you. 2,Old-McDonald had a farm..... pissing off a clan member may get you dropped,pissing off some guy on the forums will just get you farmed.Actually being respectful might get a high level player to volley you or even get you into a clan,just spewing random noobsense,spamming,inciting people to hit you,or just acting like you know it all will get you nothing but a boot in the ass,trust me,I've had first hand experience.if your a farmer yourself,PLEASE hit noobs who don't care what they say,control the local wildlife. 3,Red,Dead,and no Redemption. Yea,theirs new items,OK their shiny,FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I KNOW THEIR RED,but they suck,getting into so many wars for an overpriced piece of garbage is ridiculous,your stats will suffer,your ally's will be striped,and you will be drained of every ounce of gold possible,and for what?A crappy item when I can win one off of Threshold or Origins?and the other is so out their I won't speak about it.Don't buy into it just cause it's new,it's not as good as it sounds. 4,(enchant aqua and inferno joke here) As if 7.5 billion for inferno wasn't steep enough,after you took a t4 upgrade for a failed enchantment we buy aqua with CRYSTALS NOW?This has got to be the biggest waste of money on this game,not only does it kill your kingdom infront of you,but your wasting a valuable asset on something you don't even know will work for sure,it's repetitive and a majorly flawed part of the game,just stay FAR away from this altogether. Following these 4 tips will help you grow faster than ever before,I used them on my main before I reset him.Yes these tips sound skeptical,yes they involve some things you may not want to do but they WILL free up gold better used on other things,questions,comments,complaints?feel free to slide me a wall post,here to troll,feel free to stick your fingers in your nearest bear trap.Enjoy:3
Sounds great! Only one question. When I didn't even hit haunting when I was about 750cs but used just over 100 pots and received 3.5B for it, how did I get that much cash??? Oh, that's right. Because pots do help for cash (not on all EBs like TGL or ToC but why would a noob even try to hit those)
Better than the original; but since you're such a "good farmer" I wanna see a thread about farming tomorrow.