game of thrones season finale predictions

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by BobRoss, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Here's my guess:

    Jon snow revealed as half targaryen

    Cersei either sentenced to death as show closes or uses wildfire to burn city and eacape

    Danerys targaryen begins her journey to kings landing to take the iron throne

    Walder frey killed by arya wearing face of one of his sons at dinner

    Sansa either lregnant with ramsays bas yeah..
    Sansa has to marry little finger
  2. Catelyn stark resurrected at the end of the episode. Danny's army shown on ships.

  3. Bram becoming 3 eyed raven has the ability to go back in time and change events in the prob lots of starks be coming back to life next season
  4. I don't think the dragon queen has enough ships to begin her journey yet could be wrong.

    And cersei probably won't die.
  5. I love the growth in Arya and Sansa

  6. Growth in arya and sansa ....pun intended?

  7. Whatever ability he has to change the past would already have taken place, thus Hodor always being messed up. If he went into the past, it has anyway happened by now.
  8. There will be tears...
  9. John Sno is crowned warden of the north

    Benji takes bran to the wall

    Arya visits targarian castle aka dragonstone

    Jaime returns to casterly rock

    Khaleesi prepares to invade westeros


    We shall see in 15min!
  10. Theon knows the north and can assist her in the invasion. Cersei escapes kings landing with the mountain so that arya can kill her next season. Jon is immortal or something else crazy (marries daenerys when she becomes queen). Bran escapes behind the wall with the night king following (cliffhanger is that night king shows up at the wall with like hundreds of thousands of dead). Frey dies like the wolf he killed at the wedding. Arya finds cyrio alive and trains with him so she can defeat the hound and mountain next season. Sansa is damaged as always. Am I forgetting someone?
  12. Awesome last episode
  13. Hound is going to kill mountain hes good now
  14. The whole Jon snow half targaryen thing is long over due if its true. That's if you guys read the booksî„…
  15. Aegon Targaryen is alive, Danny's Nephew is a true dragon
  16. Snow was the baby targaryen hes gonna fly a dragon next season
  17. I feel like Rouge is dev of Game of thrones/ has insider info, or did some reading of the books. NAICE GUESS DUUUDE!
  18. Grrr - need to wait a year for next season now <sigh>
  19. Lol no Jon snow is no Martell
  20. John snow is Lyanna Stark's son which is why in the books he bears a resemblance to Ned