Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) I've noticed numerous errors as well. Many starting to think pro packs and perm items don't really even do anything. Example 1. After I received new perm item for 10% attack. The damage done on eb did not change. Shouldn't an increase of 10% increase damage inflicted? Example 2. Two different hansels, hitting same EB, same stage, first hansel has 1 forge, goes avg of 80% successful attacks with 10pots, second Hansel with 4 CF and 10 pots avg below 70% success, with much higher bfa. Both accts have same items. Example 3. I understand their is a random chance to win any attack regardless of strength differential. However the math should prevail. When new potions arrived we tested them, a HLBC hitter attacked me 5 times, his attack strength BFA potions was over 150million less than my def BFA pots( resets bonus advantage) Both accts full troops, he won 4 of 5. How is that possible? Example 4. I win more attacks when below 50% troops than above 50% troops????? I know, I know, no one cares, but the mechanics of the game don't make as much sense as they used to. My two cents.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) Ok so I actually read it. This is really interesting especially about the two hansels were one with a forge wins more? That makes no sense.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) Regarding your second example, it seems like the bigger the difference is between hiiter/opponent stats, the more skewed the results seem to be in either direction. From what I understand, changes in mechs were made to prevent much larger players from "picking on" smaller players. But ya, I agree. A year ago when you attacked someone, their stats/bonuses/allies seemed to have a direct correlation to your win percentage. Now, not only is that out the window, but it's gone from being random to basically the opposite of logical outcomes. Now when I hit the BL I only hit HLBC builds lol.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) I stopped trying to guess what's going on. Makes one's brain hurt!
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) I was thinking of doing a similar experiment but haven't yet had the time.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) This sounds like a long winded excuse for being a total noob It's true though. I gave up hitting people off BL with def stats that are 500k less than my attack stats. I do better hitting people my size and bigger. I assume it's to discourage bigger players from bullying smaller ones, but it seems disproportionally weighted.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) I've had similar odd results hitting off the bl and in off system wars. The mechanics have been screwy for a while now.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) So If it's to stop smaller players being bullied by bigger players, what's to stop these smaller players picking on the bigger ones?
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) I agree I lost against a 30 coe hybrid with no allies
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) I have noticed that I can hit smaller players then I used to, a player with under 1.5 mill combined stats , I was able to hit? And I have also noticed that the mechanics seem un realistic ! A person with 2.2 mill defense should have a low chance of defending my first attack when I'm full troops, using full pots. But It says I won the battle by a narrow margin ? I got all the pro packs, and the person with the 2.2 mill def was stripped of his ally's. How is this possable?
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) Remember that sometimes players with high bfas do not need to use full pots to stop your attacks. It does not mean they don't have those def pots. it just mean they don't need use them.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) Yeah I hit a person with 600k defense and lost 4/10 times! He didn't have allies, and only had 3 defense pots! What is this a game of luck?
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) The defense pots one is because back in 2010 they adjusted mechanics with pots so that a 400k combined couldnt burn all of a 900k combined's pots super easy. They made it so the person will use minimal pots necessary for a 99% win chance (always have a 1% chance win). This being said, the less pots it shows them use, the stronger in relation to you they are.
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) BFA! In theory if you hire enough allies and drop your buildings till you have 1k attack You can win against 100k 200k 300k defs depending on your BFA and other bonus from perm items
Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics) TheBlade is onto something. I've noticed this too. I've hit others (often with better stats, double my size), w/o pots, on these occasions when hitting, I only burn 1/2 of their pots, but when hitting with all 11, I cause more damage, winning (victory!) and burning a large amount of pots, however many they may have. For me, this stinks, as it means I have to waste MY yummeh pots in order to do any real damage. (sometimes I don't want to win, but rather, just be a plain pain in the ass and burn the pricey pots). On a side note, not sure if bfa has been mentioned? But I don't doubt that this will also play a key role in successfully winning against someone with greater def than the actual attackers attack strength, if that makes sense. For instance, someone with 3.2m attack vs 4.2m def (person being hit). One could easily win, if they've enough stocked in allies and their bfa for attack +30m. (Oh, hopefully the person they're attacking has a poor amount invested allies... otherwise It'd be tricky).