G-Han help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Vid, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Hello forums,

    I need a lil help cuz I'm a small guy here,I currently have 16 guilds lvl 3 and 2 towers cuz someone is trying to farm me and is messing up my savings,but I was wondering the best way to get all my guilds fully upgraded and get my next lands to build more guilds(I also need to know best way to convert my 2 towers into CoE's,I have all LL buildings unlocked).

    All help would be appreciated,thanks
  2. The best way to convert your towers to CoE is to destroy your towers and convert them to CoE.
  3. /).- that's no what I meant
  4. How to change to COE:

    Click tower.
    Hit sell.
    Build COE.

  5. U guys suck
    /lock if no one is willing to help
  6. You used to be bigger. You reset because your a noob. You know how to build ;)
  7. Firstly OP,
    Bank your gold in whatever pots/BB's.
    And destroy your pointless towers.

    Fight your farmer as a pure spy, they'll get bored quickly.

    Ask for CF terms, surrender and move on growing as a hansel.

    Once you've done that just keep building guilds and upgrading to lvl 4.

    If you've got too much pride to surrender but want to go be an EB fairy, just wall me the name and I'll handle it.
  8. Allies would help
  9. lol, go squirtle! use ENRAGE NOOBS! :lol: :lol:
  10. He's not making me rage...
    I'm going defense mode now ^he can't hit me with his puny attack stats
  11. pro tip: get pots and youll be invincible
  12. Bring it noob :lol:
  13. No. He can't hit you if you bank your gold .
    So yeah, you should bank your gold .
  14. Why did u even bother with troop defense?? U shd have just build spy defense since u din even have troops 
  15. [​IMG]

    (come at me bro)
  16. Justice I tried telling him that
  17. No u didn't :lol: do u know why u farming me?
    Because I posted on Philosophers post,and I was ON TOPIC and you were clanging about farming me...
  18. blabbing*
  19. You were making idiotic post yes on topic but they were still noobish
  20. off topic much? make a new thread to go at it :twisted: