
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by the69man, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. I remember from gaw fury fam joined zaft for protection and they done the same in kaw ... Eventually they left zaft in gaw and destroyed themselves.... Guess kaw is to much for them to handle so there holding zaft a hand LOL.... And your all going to say I'm a noob hiding I honestly don't have a main... So if any of you want to war me drop to my stats we can fight 
  2. This thread seems to be a bit 'Fury-ous'.
  4. When you say 'drop to my cs to fight' do you mean to create a statless alt?
  5. Which ever way u want to drop ur main create a alt I'll beat u all️ I will never cf 
  6. Cool
  7. Zaft asked fury to join them noob
  8. I was Fury in GAW from start. When GAW just started we stay together as a family in GAW. Then ZAFT and iG broke up and decide to split GAW in two huge alliances. We at FURY didn't have much a choice either join iG or ZAFT. If we don't join on either one we will be Attack by both. We got hit by both alliances for a week until our opponent join iG. FURY leader decided to join ZAFT. We on the bottom not much choice but get along. Because of those alliances it ruin GAW. We in FURY start to get tired getting ordered by ZAFT to only pick on weak families to farm and avoid big families. One by one of us old fury went inactive. So tired of the game dying because of stupid leaders only want dominant on the game without fun anymore. I am glad most old fury in GAW before it was ended they decide to leave ZAFT.
  9. And fury joined for the obvious reason they can't stand on there own feet u tool
  10. That's a lie fury was part of i gangsters ... Majesty fam the ppl who avoided war and always stayed mutual ...
  11. wait wait wait. so you mean you went and created an account you have no intention of growing and it is your only one, just to leave this message?

  12. FURY in KAW on the other hand choose to join ZAFT for protection. They are scared old enemies might go after them and they lost confident on their core members.
  13. Not just this message I want to leave loads more 
  14. Imo, fury is one of the top war clans in kaw. Part of an alliance, but still willing to do their own thing.
  15. We just hope what happen to GAW will not happen here. Huge families decide to ally themselves to avoid OSW. When that happen we will know where the game going to. When you see this happen rethink spending real dollar. You will end up and lb account worth nothing like yours 69
  16. ....
  17. I don't understand your name? You 69 men?
  18. I swear there is wiser chewing grass in a field than u dude. Don't comment on things u know nothing about.
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