Full Attack Build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheFourthHero, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. For my Lowlands, I am about to have all lands occupied with Cursed Foundries at Level 3. For the Highlands, what do I build next? My clan leader also told me I need some spies for wars etc. Any advice?
  2. All lowlands 100% attack buildings?

    Your leader is terrible....
  3. Go full attack buildings, and keep at least 40 bill in allies at all times. Sleep long full hours, like 10-14 hours.
  4. Well, I do have 4 SoS's in my lowlands (lvl 3) and rest will be foundries
  5. Lol, just do what you want... It's you're kingdom.
  6. ^
    No he must conform
  7. Build CoEs instead of CFs. CFs are bad for war (imo), stats and plunder.
  8. If you will be warring you will need spy def put up some towers
  9. 23 Coe
    1 SOS
    13 Colony
    12 changeling tower

    = 5.2m 5.2m 100k 3m

    Best build.
  10. I will put up towers then! lol
  11. Thank you! I will follow that build
  12. VAL your build awesome if you have big spies BFA, otherwise I think you aren't able KO ppl with assass (mostly fail) .... smaller builds should have about 500k-1mil spy attack if haven't BFA
    I like your build VAL .., hard to get spies down for enemy
  13. I personally believe Stables are the way to go.

    That's just my thought though.
  14. I know old school players that still rock all attack buildings. No towers or spy buildings. All builds have a role.

    A pure attack in old system wars generated massive plunder.
  15. Lol your leader isn't smart
  16. Ooo val that is very nice
  17. His leader told him he needs spies... His leader is wise