Hello folks, I'm writing to elicit feedback and thoughts regarding recent changes to the EB game mechanics. I'm sorry, but this post won't be of much interest to the folks involved primarily with system wars. It is very clear that the game mechanics of the EBs have been changed considerably in the past few weeks. Specifically, the statistics of item drops appears to have been modified, and not just once but numerous times. For instance, it is very clear that the statistics of the drops used to roughly match the level of participation in the EB. This would indicate a kingdom’s “chances” on winning at item would be approximately proportional to the overall level of participation by that kingdom. There also appeared to a random, but consistent number of item drops. For instance each completed EB might drop between 4 or 7 items, or some range such as that. However, it appears that there have been two recent changes to the statistics of item drops. The first change appeared to dramatic decrease in the overall number of item drops. I have examined multiple dozens of completion records for the (so called) “item” EBs where there were no item drops at all, for anyone in the clan. On numerous occasions this situation occurred for multiple EBs in the row, even with clans where few of the kingdoms had the item. (It appears that having the item means you won’t win it again, your chance doesn’t appear to go to anyone else). The most recent change appears to be a leveling of the overall win distribution from being based on “how much did you participate” to “did you participate at all?” My rational for this claim has been my observation that the most recent drops appear to have no statistical correlation with “participation” and do appear to be correlated with mere presence in an EB. For what it's worth, I have my PhD in engineering and have both taught statistics at the university level and have written papers on various statistical tests. (My focus has been on applying the Tukey test to various sampling data to assess productivity improvements.) Please realize that I am trying generate a substitutive discussion on this. Simply posting back “Hey John, it’s random!” won’t be very useful.
What if the eb histories u studied where ebs where the "display glitch" happened? It can not items dropped and also show items dropped that where not. The devs confirmed this glitch to me and have been working on it.
@op this is definitely true. I was doing talons of carnage and I used 4 health crystals trying to get my shoulder plates. I was the top plunderer but got nothing. The next eb I was somewhere around 30th in the eb and I used no crystals. This time I got my shoulder plates.
1. The more people that have the item true less (and sometimes none) are dropped 2. It is NOT decided by participation 3. Mautos series drops lean towards larger players, Kaw_Admin told us about this on the release so it's not a big surprise if you just know how to read
@ Fractals: Good question. Since I have both PC and iPhone accounts, I made sure to check with my clannies on those EBs. So I'm fairly confident that those EBs didn't actually have item drops, and most of the members didn't have the items either. However, you are completely right in that I just reviewed a couple dozen other clans and their EBs. I didn't check to verify they hadn't received EB drops, I just went by what the EB history showed.
Hmmm. It is true that the more people have the item the less it drops.. The drops happen but you cant get 2 abyssal blades so no drop. The devs should fix this. Eventually there will be a minority of players that will likely never receive a drop they need. Idk how they would fix this but its doable.
Of course it's "doable"... As should have been done in the first place. For example - it could have been set up so that there are always 3 (or some other number of drops) going to the most active people that don't already have the item. However, then there wouldn't be a massive number of heavy crystal users trying again and again for a "random" drop.
I'm just gonna troll so.... Maybe u should stop being an Eb noob and hit the battle list 0.o (Also the reason I trolled is cuz I hav no clue how to help)
I figure the item drops to be like the lottery. Every action is a ticket. More actions more tickets more chances. That doesnt mean just 1 ticket wont win it.
Eb warrior, I agree. Xtals give you more chances, actions and item stage activity gives you more chances. And size gives you more chances at t5and6 ones