Friendship :'))

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Judy-wuz-here-once-again (01), Jan 5, 2012.

  1. "Move it!" they yelled at the poor, somewhat nerdy looking freshman. The freshman fell over his books plopped on the ground. Usually I'm known for my lack of compassion, but I had a strange urge to help the poor kid.

    I strolled over to him, and the ending bell rung.
    "you alright?" I asked, offering my hand to him. He got up and nodded shaking a bit. "don't let those steroid induced jocks bother you, they're not worth it... Hey wanna go to taco bell?" I suddenly asked. I have a short attention span, don't blame me!!

    "Uh sorry I don't have money" he muttered and I became angry.

    "look man I didn't ask you to come I said let's go. I'll pay for it"

    We left, and on the way their we noticed we had things in common! We both love xbox! We both love a type of book! We both love pokemon!

    Anyways, he's gained all my respect when he cracked a chuck Norris joke in the middle of a sentence.

    So when we got to taco bell, we ate tacos like a boss, and exchanged numbers.

    The day after, I received a random text from him:

    "Hey, things weren't going so well these days, and ive been depressed lately. I was thinking of suicide, and those kids made me wanna do it. But you took me to taco bell, we became friends and you kinda saved my life. Thank you."

    My heart started pounding slightly faster, and I wiped a unmanly tear of my face.

    "No problem. That's what friends are for"


    Was bored when I wrote this don't blame meh! XD
  3. Whyd u name your story Friendship, like mine?
  4. Sorryz, didn't see your story :(( and about the capolization thing, I suck at editing, which is the main reason I have a main editor at home xD but this was just a freewrite, so yeah...