Friends List On PC: UPDATE

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by mmmmotorBOAT, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    You ever wonder....what life would be like if your friends list got some attention on the PC version of KAW?

    Well I have. And it is glorious! I have grown weary of searching through all of my friends looking for the 1 message...THE ONE RED DOT that signifies who is PM'ing me!

    HERE ARE MY IDEAS (that I stole from hundreds of players in forums over the years) :lol:

    • Alphabetize the friends list to allow us find players with ease.

    • Move the most recent incoming messages to the top.

    • Add a search feature for friends.

    These options alone would be pretty epic for us frequent PC users. But, in light of this new section of forums, how about we get a little more suggestive...


    • Remove the "automatic return to the bottom" option.

      This option is really annoying when you are trying to read lengthy PM's, or when you are interviewing someone, :lol: and trying to copy/paste certain lines. Its near impossible on PC.

    • Allow longer PM's without minimizing the PM.

    • And, if you're stingy and don't want to allow longer PM's without minimizing them, why not let us read the damn yellow text box for more than 20 seconds!!


    I believe a simple PC update would solve many frustrations, and I ask you, kaw_admin, is it possible to update the PC version of KAW? I have not seen much in the 2.7 years I've been playing. Thanks for taking your time to read, and stay classy!
  2. Definite support. Shouldn't be to hard in the programming department either and would save a lot of time for people that have many friends to browse through.
  3. Yeah, there are a few things on PC that bug me, like the back button, but this one clocks at #1. I have actually dedicated my banner to tell people that I rather them not private message me because of this. I think it should be made like the newsfeed with an extension(view more) on it. In there it could be categorized alphabetically or from most recent.
  4. Oops... I should not have posted support but yeah, its extremly easy to implement but this may just be something thats a luxury and not a necessity
  5. Luxury. Hmm :roll:
    For frequent PC user its a need not a luxury. I prefer to chat with my PC, can type faster, easier, less typo and no embarrasing autocorrects :oops:
    When receiveing new message, I have to scroll the lengthy of my friends list to find the red bubble (which usually show up late. sometimes I have to scroll up and down again and again.) :cry:

    I love this idea. Support.
  6. id also like to be able to send screenshots through pm, on all devices aswell as p.c, saves having to use 3rd party apps.
  7. I know people might argue it would be your fault for friending them, but I can see people being total creeps with it.
  8. Moving your most recent PM to the top, or new pm's to the top of the list would solve that whole issue very nicely. It would also be easier to unfollow by seeing who you dont actually talk to anymore.

    Another rendition. Any chance on altering the part where the friends list goes back to the top when you unfollow someone? It makes unfriending a laborious process - however this alteration is a minor touch and in no way of importance.
  9. Yeah that's kind of annoying. Also when scrolling up in the chat box, it will kick you back down to the bottom. It's especially annoying when doing estoc trial wars when you need to copy a username that appeared as an update 10 minutes ago.
  10. Bump: because I want more support
  11. Support and comp accts should get free speakers also